VN Veg Market Size 2010

  1. Cabbage planted area, market size?
    • 30.7 k ha, 1 k bil VND 54 m
    • Seeds: 175 bil VND, 9.5 m $
    • CP: 270 bil VND, 14.6 m $
  2. VN Cabbage: Which region is key for cabbage?
    North, Central or South?
    North, 20.3 k ha
  3. VN Cabbage: Which region has the highest yield and spend? North, Central or South
    Central, 7 k ha
  4. VN Cabbage: North region do growers use seedlings?
    North region: Han Noi and Lam Dong growers 100% use seeedling, Hai Duong and An Giang only 37% and 52% respectively
  5. Which region are the key regions? North , Central or South
    North: large planted area but fragmented, Central for high CP spend and highiest household farm size
  6. VN Cabbage: which brands are the top Insecticides brands?
    Value share by brands: Pegaus: 18%, Actara 9%, Takumi 9%, Prevathon 8%, Virtako 8%, Match 6%
  7. VN Cabbage: which brands are the top Fungicide brands?
    Value share: Nebijin: 21%, Score 17%, Anvil 7%, Ridomil gold 7%, Antracol 6%, Dithane 5%, Amistar 5%
  8. VN Cabbage: Market share by companies?
    Syngenta: 58% insecticide, 39% fungicide
  9. VN Cabbage summary
    • North: light users but biggest land
    • Heavy usersconcentrated in Central region (39% value share)
    • But low performance in the north for insecticide (4% value share)
  10. VN Cabbage: Average yield?
    45 tons/ha
  11. VN Watermelon: Total planted area? Total CP market size?
    • 23 k ha, 659 bil VND 35 m $
    • Seeds: 61 bil VND, 3.3 m $
    • CP: 160 bil VND, 8.6 m$
  12. VN Watermelon: Which region is the key?
    South 11 k ha, Central 9 k ha
  13. VN Watermelon: Seedling or not?
    No one use seedling
  14. VN Watermelon: CP spend per ha?
    Central: 29m VND, South: 27 m VND
  15. VN Watermelon: What are the top insecticide brands?
    Value share by brands: Chess: 25% Actara 21%, Lannate: 13%, Confidor: 7%, Karate: 6%
  16. VN Watermelon: What are the top fungicide brands?
    Value share by brands: Tilt Super 12%, Score 10%, Anvil 10%, Monceren: 9%, Ridomil Gold: 8%, Mataxyl: 6%,Dithan: 6, Antracol 5% Topsin 5%, Amistar 4%
  17. VN Watermelon: Average Harvest?
    27 ton /ha/crop
  18. VN Watermelon: market share by companies?
    Syngenta: 46% Other competitors: 54%, strong performance in the south (62% MS)
  19. VN Tomato: planted area and market size?
    • 19.3 k ha, 813 b VND, 44m USD
    • Seeds: 134 b VND 7 m USD
    • CP: 260 b VND, 14 m USD
  20. VN Tomato: which regions are the key for Tomato?
    North: 8.5 k ha, Central 7.1 k ha
  21. VN Tomato: Which region has the highest CP spent?
    Central spends the highest followed by South, North spends by far the lowest
  22. VN Tomato: Seedling or not?
    • 67% use seedling
    • Central: 96% use seedling
    • South: 61% use seedling
    • North: 29% use seedling
  23. VN Tomato: What are the top insectide brands?
    Value share: Takumi: 26%, Lannate: 11%, Actara 9%, Karate 7%, Regent 6%,Reasgant 5%, Silsau: 5%, Virtako 4%
  24. VN Tomato: What are the top fungicide brands?
    Value share: Score: 31%, Curzate: 24%, Macozeb: 15%, Ridomil gold: 5%, Anvil 4%, Antracol 3$
  25. VN Tomato: average yeild?
    42 tons / ha
  26. VN Tomato: Which region is key?
    Central is the main market as contributing to 55% CP value, almost all heavy uses reside at central
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VN Veg Market Size 2010
VN Veg market size market research