Rheumatoid Arthritis

  1. What are the sx of RA?
    • Slow insidious onset
    • Symmetrical presentation
    • Inflammation
    • Joint pain
    • Edema
    • Warmth
    • Erythema
    • MCP and PIP joints
    • Grip weakness
    • Functional difficulties
    • Deformities
    • Rheumatoid nodules
    • Vasculitis
    • Pulmonary fibrosis
    • Pleural effusions
    • Felty's Syndrome (triad of RA, splenomegaly, and neutropenia)
  2. Which agents used to treat RA are adjunctive therapy?
    • NSAIDs
    • Corticosteroids
  3. Which agents used to treat RA are disease-modifying?
  4. What is the MOA of NSAIDs in RA?
    Inhibition of COX to assist with reducing pain, stiffness and inflammation
  5. What are the SE of NSAIDs?
    • GI upset and ulceration
    • Renal toxicity
  6. What other analgesics may be used for pain relief in RA?
    • Tramadol
    • Opioids
  7. What are the NSAIDs used in RA?
    • Low-dose ASA
    • Ibuprofen
    • Naproxen
    • Indomethacin
    • Etodolac
    • Diclofenac
    • Nabumetone
    • Meloxicam
    • Celecoxib
  8. What are oral corticosteroids used for in RA?
    • Bridging therapy
    • Continuous low-dose therapy
    • Short-term bursts for flare-ups
  9. What are injectable corticosteroids used for in RA?
    • Less frequent dosing
    • IM depots up to 6wks
    • IA depots a few months
  10. What are the limiting SE of corticosteroid therapy in RA?
    • osteoporosis
    • Skin thinning
  11. How long does it take to see benefit from DMARDs in RA?
    weeks to months
  12. How are DMARDs used in combination therapy in RA?
    • Never more than one Biologic agent
    • 2-3 non-biologics
    • Non-biologics + 1 biologic
  13. When are biologic DMARDs typically used in RA?
    After failure or intolerability of non-biologics
  14. What are the non-biologic DMARDs used in RA?
    • Methotrexate (DOC)
    • Leflunomide (2nd line)
    • Sulfasalazine
    • Hydroxychloroquine
    • Minocycline
    • Gold
    • Cyclosporine
    • Azathioprine
    • D-Penicillamine
  15. What are the recommended non-biologic DMARD combinations for RA?
    • MTX + HCQ and/or SSZ
    • SSZ + HCQ
  16. What are the biologic DMARDs used in RA?
    • Etanercept
    • Infliximab
    • Adalimumab
    • Golimumab
    • Certolizumab pegol
    • Abatacept
    • Rituximab
    • Tocilizumab
    • Anakinra
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Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis