Anatomy and Physiology Lab

  1. The arterial system has one of these, the venous system has two
  2. These arteries supply the myocardium
  3. The more anterior artery pair serving the brain
    Internal carotid
  4. Longest vein in the body
    Great Saphenous
  5. Artery on the foot checked after leg surgery
    Dorsalis pedis
  6. Serves the posterior thigh
    Deep femoral
  7. Supplies the diaphragm
  8. Formed by the union of the radial and ulnar veins
  9. Two superficial veins of the arm
    Cephalic and Brachial
  10. Artery serving the kidney
  11. Testicular or ovarian veins
  12. Artery that supplies the distal half of the large intestine
    Inferior mesenteric
  13. Drains the pelvic organs and lower limbs
    Common iliac
  14. What the external iliac vein drains into in the pelvis
    Common iliac
  15. Major artery serving the arm
  16. Supplies most of the small intestine
    Superior mesenteric
  17. What the femoral artery becomes at the knee
  18. An arterial trunk that has three major branches, which run to the liver, spleen, and stomach
  19. Major artery serving the skin and scalp of the head
    External Carotid
  20. Two veins that join, forming the popliteal vein
    Anterior tibial and posterior tibial
  21. Artery generally used to take the pulse at the wrist
  22. Cardiac cycle
    Events of one complete heartbeat, when both atria and ventricles contract and then relax
  23. Systole
    Contraction of the ventricle
  24. Diastole
    Relaxation of the ventricle
  25. Sound heard when AV valves close
  26. Sound heard when semilunar valves close
  27. Pulse
    The alternating surges of pressure in an artery that occur with each beat of the left ventricle
  28. Average pulse rate/min
  29. What artery is the pulse taken at on the wrist?
    Radial artery
  30. What artery is the pulse taken at on the neck?
    Common Carotid artery
  31. What artery is the pulse taken at on the elbow?
    Brachial artery
  32. What are is the pulse taken at o the foot?
    Dorsalis pedis artery
  33. Apical pulse
    Actually counting heartbeats heard. This may be faster than a radial pulse because of lag time
  34. Pulse deficit
    Any large difference between apical and radial pulse values
  35. Blood pressure
    The pressure the blood exerts against the inner blood vessel walls
  36. Systolic pressure
    The pressure in the arteries at the peak of ventricular ejection
  37. Diastolic pressure
    The pressure during ventricular relaxation
  38. Sphygmomanometer
    Blood pressure cuff
  39. Sounds of Korotcoff
    The sounds heard through the stethoscope at the spot of the brachial artery during a blood pressure reading
  40. What changes in blood flow were observed in the Carolina peripheral Blood Flow experiment during Regional variation, Gravity, and Temperature?
    1. Different areas of the body have varying temperatures. The closer to the heart and head the hotter the temperature.

    2. Blood can only travel well one way. Going against gravity causes low blood flow.

    3. Warm water caused more blood to flow through=Vasodilation. Cold water caused less blood to flow through=Vasoconstriction
  41. Tidal Volume (TV)
    Volume of air inhaled and exhaled with each normal respiration, approx. 550ml
  42. Expiratory reserve volume
    The volume of air that can be forcibly exhaled after a normal expiration, ranges between 700 and 1200ml
  43. Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)
    Volume of air that can be forcibly inhaled following a normal inspiration
  44. Vital capacity (VC)
    Total exchangeable air of the lungs, normally around 4500ml, with a range of 3600 to 4800ml
  45. Total lung capacity
  46. Residual Volume
    The amount of air remaining in the lungs after a maximal expiratory effort
  47. What device was used to measure resipratory volumes?
  48. What types of tissues are found in the lungs
    Elastic connective tissue
  49. What types of tissues are found in the trachea?
    C shaped hyaline cartilidge rings and ciliated epithelium
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Anatomy and Physiology Lab
Lab practical 3