Hematology Exam 1

  1. What cell types does Myeloperoxidase stain?
    Primary granules containing peroxidase; Promyelocytes, myelocytes, metamyelocytes, PMN/Band
  2. What cell types does Sudan Black stain?
    Primary and Secondary granuls, all granulocyte precursors. Differentation of ALL from AML
  3. What cell types does napthol AS-D Chloroaetate Esterase stain?
    Myeloblast primary granules; to a lesser degree PMN, Basos, and Mast cells; Eos, Monos, and Lymph stain negative.
  4. Alpha-Naphthyl butyrate or Alpha Naphthyl acetate esterase stain which types of cells?
    Monoblasts; monocytes, hisitocytes, macrophages, and megakaryoblasts. Granulocytes stain negative.
  5. TdT or Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase stains what cell type?
    • Stem Cells, Immature lymphs in BM, DX Lymphoblastic leukemias
    • Not found in Mature B cells
  6. Acid Phosphatase stains what cell types?
  7. PAS (Periodic Acid-Schiff stains what types of cells?
    Ereythroblasts; glycogen and glycoproteins; DX erthroleukemia
  8. What stains Ereythroblasts?
    PAS, Periodic Acid-Schiff
  9. What stains B- Lymphoblasts?
    TRAP- Acid Phosphatase; good for hairy cell leukemia
  10. What stains B-lymphoblasts?
    TRAP-Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase
  11. What stains T-Lymphoblasts?
    Acid Phosphatase
  12. What stains immature lymphs?
    TdT- Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase - DX lymphoblastic leukemias
  13. What stains monoblasts?
    Alpha Napthyl butyrate or Alpha naphthyl acetate esterase, negative for ganulocytes, positive for monoblasts/monocytes/M0/megakaryoblasts
  14. What stain is used for myeloblast primary granules?
    Napthol AS-D Chloroacetate esterase; stainsmyeloblasts, PMN, Basos, and mast cell primary granules; not Eos, Monos, or lymphs
  15. What is used to stain all granulocyte precursors, both primary and secondary granules?
    Sudan Black; differentiates AML from ALL
  16. What stain is used on primary granules that contain peroxidase?
    Myeloperoxidase; MPO, stains promeyelocytes, myelocytes, metamyelocytes and PMN/Band
  17. Hunter's and Hurler's (MPS)
    Mono azurephilic granules, accumulations of vacuoles containing MPS mucopolysaccharides
  18. Tay-Sachs
    Vacuolated lymphocytes; foam cells
  19. Neimann-Pick
    Histiocytes packed with lipids; foam cells and "sea blue histiocytes"
  20. Gaucher's
    Monocyte/M0/Histiocyte have crumpled tissue paper cytoplasm
  21. May-Hegglin anomaly
    Dohle bodies, giant platelets, thrombocytopenia
  22. Chediak-Higashi syndrome
    • Hepatospleenomegaly
    • lymphs and monos have a single red granule
    • Giant gray/green cytoplasmic granules in PMN
  23. Alder's anomaly - Alder-Reilly
    • Coarse dark granules in WBCs (all lines possible)
    • Lipid deposits in cytoplasm
  24. Pelger-Huet anomaly
    • Heterozygoes - dumb-bell nucleus
    • homozygotes - round nucleus
    • "pince nez" cells
  25. M0/Monocyte/Histiocyte have crumpled tissue paper cytoplasm
  26. Histiocytes packed with lipids; foam cells present, and can see "sea blue histiocytes"
  27. Vacuolated lymphocytes; foam cells
  28. Monos have azurephilic granules and there are MPS accumulations
    Hunter's and Hurler's (MPS)
  29. Pince nez cells
  30. Coarse dark granules in all WBCs
    Lipid deposits in cytoplasm
    Alder's -Reilly
  31. Giant gray/green cytoplasmic granules
    Lymph and mono have single red granule
    Chediak-Higashi syndrome
  32. Thrombocytopenia
    giant platelets
    dohle bodies in PMN
    May-Hegglin anomaly
  33. If: WBCs too high
    Then dilute, if 3x rule is on, WBCs probably ok
  34. If: Instrument ++++WBCs
    Dilute, rerun, multiply
  35. If: Ictirus/Lipemia
    • Hgb, MCH, MCHC increased and RBC low
    • Then: look at slides, replace plasma with saline and/or notify physisian
  36. If: MCHC, MCH, and Hgb high, and RBC low
    Then: Ictirus or Lipemia
  37. If: Cold Agglutenin
    • Then: Low RBC, High MCV, MCHC
    • Warm to 37 and rerun
  38. If Low RBC, High MCV and MCHC
    Then: Cold agglutenin
  39. If: increased WBC count, and low platelet count
    Then: could be satellite platelets; look at slide, redraw in blue top and multiply result by 1.1 for the 10% dilution
  40. Spleen Functions
    • 1. Hematopoiesis 2-7mo fetal
    • 2. Granulocyte and platelet storage
    • 3. Culling fo old WBCs
    • 4. Processing of Blood Borne pathogens
    • 5. Part of the RES and a lymph organ
  41. MCV
    • Mean Corpuscular Volume
    • 80-100fL, HCT/RBC x10
  42. MCH
    • Mean Corpuscular Hgb
    • 27-31pg
    • Hgb/RBC x10
  43. MCHC
    • Mean Corpuscular Hgb Concentration
    • 32-36%
    • Hgb/HTC x100
  44. RDW
    • RedCell Distribution Width
    • 11.5-14.5%
    • Anisocytosis
  45. Hgb
    • 14-18 Males
    • 12-16 Females
    • g/dL
  46. HCT
    • 42-52% Males
    • 37-47% Females
  47. WBC Normal Numbers
    4-11 x10^9g/L
  48. WBC Diff
    • Segs -50-70
    • Band- 2-6
    • Lymph - 20-44
    • Mono 2-9
    • Eos 0-4
    • Besos 0-2
  49. RBC
    • 4.7-6.1 Males
    • 4.2-5.4 Females
    • x10^12/L
  50. Anemic Color Classification
    • MCHC
    • Normochromic- 32-36%
    • Hypochromic- <32%
  51. Anemic Size Classification
    • MCV
    • Microcytic- <80fL
    • Normocytic- 80-100fL
    • Macrocytic- >100fL
  52. Platelet Count
    • Oil
    • 4-5 Fields
    • x15,000
  53. WBC Diff Count
    • 10x Low
    • Average 5 fields x1000 /4
  54. nRBC Count Adjustment
    • >=10
    • WBC/#nRBCx100
  55. LAP (Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase) Stain
    • Chronic Myeloproliferative Disorders (CMPDs)
    • ---not high in CML
  56. Stain for CMPDs
    LAP (Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase) Stain
  57. CML
    • Phidelphia chromosome; 9:22 translocation
    • Clonal myeloproliferative disorders - Granulocytes
    • Myeloid Leukocytosis- all stages of development
  58. 3 Phases of CML
    • Chronic- huge increased WBC count
    • Accelerated- 6-18mo long
    • Blast Crisis- looks like myelogenous or acute lymphoblastic leukemia
  59. Polycythemia Vera
    • Old people
    • Hypercellular BM
    • Overproduction of mature RBCs and Platelets
    • JAK 2 mutation
    • More sensitive to EPO
  60. PV RBC description
    • Microcytic hypochromic, exhausting of Fe
    • Blood EPO levels are low
  61. PV Diagnosis
    • JAK2 mutation, or other
    • Thromobocytosis > 400,000/uL, WBC>12,000/uL
    • Low serum EPO
    • Treatment: Phlebotomy
  62. AML causes
    Chromosomal translocation
  63. M1
    Myeloblastic -without differentation
  64. M0
    Myeloblastic - minimally differentiated
  65. M2
    Myeloblastic with maturation
  66. M3
    Promyelocytic leukemia
  67. M4
  68. M5
  69. M6
  70. M7
  71. WHO AML Classification
    • I - Cytogenic abnormalities
    • II - Multilineage dysplasia
    • III - Myelodysplastic syndromes (therapy)
    • IV - Not categorized
  72. ALL
    • Acute lymphoblastic leukemia- CD10 abd TdT positive, >100 x 10^9/L
    • Anemia
    • Thrombocytopenia
    • Neutropenia
    • Overpopulation of lymphoblasts - often clefting
  73. Mononucleosis, Cytomegalovirus, Acute Viral Hepatitis
    Increased WBC, Decreased PMN, Increased lymphs, Reactive lymphs on smear
  74. Mononucleosis
    • Reactive T-cells react to infected B-cells
    • EBV infected cells can have thrombocytopenia or anemia due to Ab (IgG IgM)
    • >10% reactive lymphs
  75. CMV
    • Similar to EBV
    • IgG and IgM Ab to CMV Ag
    • Reactive lymphocytes with negative heterophil antibody
  76. Acute Viral Hepatitis
    • Hepatitis Ab findings diagnostic
    • Absolute lymphocytosis and reactive lymphs
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Hematology Exam 1
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