
  1. What are the four processes/stages essential to readers in the interpretation of literature? 1 of 4
    1. Initial: (constrution stage) The reader ha initaila contact with content, structure, genre, and language of the text. The reader uses prior knowledge to begin to build understanding of the literature.
  2. What are the four processes/stages essential to readers in the interpretation of literature? 2 of 4
    Developing: (extending stage) Ther reader dices into the text world and uses text and background knowledge to building understanding of the literature. New information is taken in and immediately used to ask questions about the literature.
  3. What are the four processes/stages essential to readers in the interpretation of literature? 3 of 4
    Reflection/Response (extensions of reading stages) The reader uses text knowledge to reflect upon personal knowledge. What is read impacts and its relected upon the readers own life, the lives of others, and the human condition in general.
  4. What are the four processes/stages essential to readers in the interpretation of literature? 4 of 4
    Critical Analysis:( examining stage) The reader reflects and reacts to the content of the literature. She judges, evaluates, and relates to the literature.
  5. Allegory
    A narrative in which the characters and events represent an idea or truth about life in general.
  6. Autobiorgraphy
    A narrative in which the author writes about his or her own life.
  7. Biography
    A narrative in which an aouthor worites about another persons life
  8. Comedy
    A genre of literature in which life is dealt with in a humorour manner, often poking fun at peoples mistakes.
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Language Arts/Reading content Knowledge for PRaxis II