the # of different aspects that make up the self
Low complexity (simple)
high intensity positive and negative feelings, greater mood swings
High complexity (complex)
less intense feelings
a gap between what one sees and what one would like to see (actual, ideal, ought)
an organized collection of beliefs about the self
one's overall assessment of one's worth as a person
the tendency to regard oneself as grandiosely self-important
inferences that people draw about the causes of their own behavior
Internal attributions
ascribe the causes of behavior to personal dispositions, traits, abilities, and feelings
External attributions
ascribe the causes of behavior to situational demands and environmental constraints
the tendency to maintain positive feelings about oneself
Methods of self-enhancement
downward comparisons, self-serving bias, basking in reflected glory, self-handicapping
Downward social comparison
a defensive tendency to compare oneself with someone whose troubles are more serious than one's own
Self-serving bias
the tendency to attribute one's successes to personal factors and one's failures to situational factors
Basiking in reflected glory
the tendency to enhance one's image by publicly announcing one's association with those who are successful
the tendency to sabotage one's performance to provide an excuse for possible failure
the process of directing and controlling one's behaviors
refers to one's belief about one's ability to perform behaviors that should lead to expected outcomes
Person perception
the process of forming impressions of others
inferences that people draw about the causes of their own behavior, others' behavior, and events
Confirmation bias
the tendency to seek information that supports one's beliefs while not pursuing disconfirming information
Self-fulfilling prophecy
occurs when expectations about a person cause the person to behave in ways that confirm the expectations
Cognitive distortions
two-stage model of attributions: rapid and automatic, slower and controlled
Rapid and automatic stage
snap judgement
Slower and controlled stage
- we can correct our automatic attributions
- systematic judgement (similar to reducing prejudice)
- widely held beliefs that people have certain characteristics because of their membership in a particular group
- public, private, implicit (unconscious)
Implicit stereotypes
- enduring attitude that predisposes a response toward a group
- remarkably easy to acquire
- negative experience with one member of a group can influence lifelong emotions and beliefs
Stereotype influences
- in-group bias (favor those like us)
- scapegoating (blame someone else for your problems)
- categorizing
- vivid case (one exceptional case)
Fundamental attribution error (essay)
- refers to the tendency to explain other people's behavior as the result of personal, rather than situational, factors
- defense attribution- "it wouldn't happen to me"
- just world bias- "she deserved it"
negative attitude toward members of a group
behaving differently toward members of a certain group
Reducing prejudice
- conginitive strategies- automatic processing to controlled processing (mindlessness to mindfulness)
- intergroup contact- work together for a common goal, successful outcomes, meaninful connections, equal status contact
occurs when people yield to real or imagined social pressure
occurs when people yield to social pressure in their public behavior, even though their private beliefs have not changed
Normative inference
operates when people conform to social norms for fear of negative social consequences
Informational influence
operates when people look to others for how to behave in ambiguous situations
Bystander effect
the tendency for individuals to be less likely to provide help when others are present than when they are alone
a form of compliance that occurs when people follow direct commands, usually from someone in a position of authority
Interpersonal communication
an interactional process in which one person sends a message to another
Model of communication components
- sender
- receiver
- message
- channel- what bodily mode are you using (gesture, eye contact)
- noise- interference that messes up the conveying of the message (anything, not just noise)
- context- environment/setting
Nonverbal communication
multi-channeled, ambiguous, conveys emotion, may contradict verbal message, is culture-bound (more/less physical touching, varied greetings)
the study of people's use of interpersonal space
Types of nonverbal communcation
facial expression, eye contact, body language, touch, paralanguage (includes all vocal cues other than the content of the verbal message itself)
refers to geographic, residential, and other forms of spatial closeness
More exposure effect
an increase in positive feelings toward a novel stimulus (person) based on frequent exposure to it
Matching hypothesis
proposes that people of similar levels of physical attractiveness gravitate toward each other
Parental investment theory
maintains that a species' mating patterns depend on what each sex has to invest, in the way of time, energy, and survival risk, to produce and nurture offspring
Reciprocal liking
refers to liking those who show that they like you
Relationship maintenance
involves the actions and activities used to sustain the desired quality of a relationship
Interdependence/social exchange theory
postulates that interpersonal relationships are governed by perceptions of the rewards and costs exchanged in interactions
Comparison level
a personal standard of what constitutes an acceptable balance of rewards and costs in a relationship
Comparison level for alternatives
one's estimation of the available outcomes from alternative relationships
things that people contribute to a relationship that they can't get back if the relationship ends
Triangular theory of love
- intimacy- refers to warmth, closeness, and sharing in a relationship
- passion- refers to the intense feelings (both positive and negative) experienced in love relationships, including sexual desire
- commitment- involves the decision and intent to maintain a relationship in spite of the difficulties and costs that may arise
Attachment styles
- typical ways of interacting in close relationships
- secure
- avoidant
- anxious/ambivalent
Why divorce rates increase
- stigma attached in past has eroded
- religious denominations more tolerant
- marriage loses some of sacred quality
- smaller families make divorce less dire
- women less financially dependent
- attitudes change, no longer expected to suffer in silence
Divorce rates
- increased dramatically between the 50's and 80's, but have stabilized and slightly decreased since then
- was 50%, now between 40 and 45%
Divorce effects
- 25% of children show serious psychological or emotional problems in adulthood
- depression, anxiety, nightmares, dependency, aggression, withdrawal, distractibility, lowered academic performance, reduced physical health, precocious sexual behavior, substance abuse
Gay relationships
- approximately 10% (5-8% identified)
- homosexual relationships briefer than heterosexual
- long-term relationships are preferred
- levels of love, commitment, sexual satisfaction and overall satisfaction similiar to heterosexual couples
- less likely to adopt "traditional" gender roles than stereotyped
- most are not "highly-sexed" individuals
- can be and often are active family members
Date rape
refers to forced and unwanted intercourse in the context of dating