between stages are difficult because
a. -
| -
the next stage brings on overwhelming- challenges.
poses the most difficulty for most children with learning disabilities?
present, the most common placement for students with learning disabilities is
maximize their effectiveness, programs for students with E/BD should provide a
a. -
| -
individualized- instruction and behavioral control.
comparison to the percentage of students with most other disabilities, students
with E/BD
are more likely to be educated in
b. -
| -
special- classes and facilities.
is difficult to estimate the prevalence of communication disorders primarily
b. -
| -
definitions of communication disorders vary so- much from state to state.
of speech and language disorders is the joint responsibility of the
a. -
| -
teacher, parents, and speech-language- pathologist.
adjustment problems for children with visual impairment are most likely the
result of
b. -
| -
society’s- reaction to people who are blind.
condition that is much like autism but usually without significant delays in
cognition and
language is
intervention for autism spectrum disorders seems to have the strongest
based research support?
b. -
| -
applied- behavior analysis (ABA)
age 5, and increasingly through adolescence, the primary cause of TBI is
intelligence of students with conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system
children with most physical disabilities and other health impairments, a common
cause of
academic difficulties is
a. -
| -
erratic- school attendance.
whose development and accomplishments meet or exceed those of adults with
extraordinary talent are known as
Mills has several students with upcoming IEP meetings. He should consider
teaching these students the
a. -
| -
Self-Advocacy Strategy. -
Beamer has 30 students in her science class. She has 5 students with learning
disabilities, 5 students with intellectual disabilities, 1 student with
behavior disorders and the remaining students are average achievers. Ms. Beamer
knows the upcoming chapter has been very challenging for previous groups of
students. She should consider using the
b. -
| -
Planning Pyramid or the Unit Organizer Routine. -
Guided Practice, the teacher
b. -
| -
questions- students and provides prompts and feedback.
note that students, especially students who have difficulty learning, benefit
b. -
| -
highly-organized and structured lessons. -
guides or guided notes are
b. -
| -
partial outlines of the lesson content that- students complete as the lesson progresses.
use of response cards in a general education classroom involves
a. -
| -
telling students with disabilities the questions- they’ll be asked prior to beginning the lesson.
related to opportunities to respond reveals
b. -
| -
increased opportunities to respond results in- improved academic and behavioral outcomes.
Smith has students in her mathematics class who can obtain the correct answers
to basic subtraction problems, but they have no understanding of what
subtraction means (e.g., take away and/or the difference between two amounts).
Ms. Smith should consider using
b. -
| -
cognitive strategies, acronym mnemonic devices- and metacognitive strategies.
Payne, a middle school teacher of students with learning disabilities, gave his
students a reading passage that had a blank space for every fifth word. He
asked the students to fill in a word that
makes sense using the context of the sentence. Mr. Payne is using an assessment
procedure called:
Hewitt uses mnemonic devices to help her students with their written expression
skills. Specifically, she uses TREE (i.e.,
note Topic sentence, note Reasons to support premise, Examine reasons, Ending for the paper) to
help students generate ideas for their opinion essays. Mr. Pierce teaches his
students to use POW (i.e., Pick my
ideas, Organize my notes, Write and say more). Both teachers are
using the:
a. -
| -
Self-Regulated Strategy Development Model. -
note that peer tutoring
b. -
| -
can double or triple the amount of practice- students receive on instructional tasks.
tools allow for the integration of digital video clips, animated presentations,
computer-produced speech and sound effects, and photo-quality pictures.
Researchers have found that hypermedia tools can benefit
a. -
| -
students with learning disabilities, English- Language Learners, and students who are normal achievers.
The "standard of
performance" for a criterion-referenced test refers to the
b. -
| -
level of performance or competence- that indicates mastery.
Teachers normally conduct on a daily basis by evaluating written class
work, results of quizzes, oral responses given in class, and homework.
The arithmetic average of a group
of scores is the
Accommodations for an assessment
procedure refers to
b. -
| -
changes to the- assessment that do not alter the instructional level, content, or assessment
- criteria.
Most problem readers are referred
b. -
| -
they have decoding problems -
Which of the following is an
example of phonemic awareness?
b. -
| -
they have decoding problems -
The independent reading level is
the highest level at which the student has
b. -
| -
98% word recognition and 90%- comprehension
texts are useful to include in materials for early reading programs primarily
because such texts:
a. -
| -
give- children practice applying phonic associations that already have been taught.
of the following is NOT an aspect of word recognition?
major factor in reading comprehension is the reader’s
highest grade level of material a reader can read comfortably, with good
comprehension and few significant miscues, is the reader’s __________ level
Phonological awareness is the
awareness of
b. -
| -
Syllables, onsets and rimes, and- phonemes
Vocabulary is most effectively
developed through
The language system of grammar,
involving the construction of longer, more complex sentences, is the __________
of the following is NOT one of the five big ideas in reading?
A common direct instruction
correction procedures is
b. -
| -
use the model-lead-test procedure. -
must a student do in order to read?
b. -
| -
Be able to decode the letters -
education includes all of the following
most common pedagogical approaches in schools today include all of the
following EXCEPT
styles of White or Anglo American students include which of the following
Learning styles of Latino
students include all of the following except
test have resulted in a decline in all of the following EXCEPT for
the outcome of a standardized test is used as the sole determining factor for
making a major decision, it is referred to as
During the Advanced Practice Stage of the Paraphrasing
Strategy the student uses reading passages
a. -
| -
that- are at the grade level in which the student is enrolled
Sarah is a well-behaved sixth grader with learning
disabilities in reading. She currently reads on the fourth grade level. She has
taken 3 tests in science and the average of these three test scores is 20%. She
has taken 3 tests in social studies and the average of these three test scores
is 30%. Which of the following strategies would you teach Sarah first?
a. -
| -
The- Paraphrasing Strategy
primary reason for teaching the Word Identification Strategy is
b. -
| -
to- help students decode unknown words
Researchers from the University of Kansas studied
demands of settings and characteristics of low achievers before developing
learning strategies. The demands and characteristics were studied within four
major domains. These domains were
b. -
| -
academic,- social, motivation, and executive
The “Three-Statement Rule” recommended within the
Learning Strategy Curriculum is
b. -
| -
The- teacher will make no more than three statements without having a student make
- a response
While using the RAP mnemonic device, students are
expected to identify
a. -
| -
the- main idea and at least two details for each of five paragraphs
Maggie is using the Test-Taking Strategy to answer
questions on a multiple choice test. She has marked off one or more obviously
incorrect response options within several of the multiple-choice questions.
Maggie has
When teaching learning strategies to elementary
students it is important to:
a. -
| -
assess- prerequisite skills, teach prerequisite skills, and jazz up instruction
An important goal of the Strategy Instruction Model
(SIM) is to promote the development of individuals who can
b. -
| -
learn- and perform independently and earn standard high school diplomas
Which of the following best describes what occurs
during the demonstration?
level instruction involves the use of:
Declarative knowledge involves:
a. -
| -
retrieving information from memory without hesitation -
Williams writes 5 + 4 = 4 + 5 on the board. He is getting ready to teach the:
Mr. Brown writes “(a x (b + c) = (a x b) + (a x c) on
the board. He is preparing to teach the:
a. -
| -
Distributive- Property of Multiplication over Addition.
probability is calculated by
b. -
| -
calculating the number of anticipated- outcomes divided by the number of
possible outcomes -
of the following can be a deterrent to listening?
of the following is the most intensive reporting system for children with special needs?
a. -
| -
daily reporting systems -
in a communication interaction can be classified according to what 4 types?
a. -
| -
passive- listener, active listener, passive nonlistener, active nonlistener
a parent finds out that their child has a disability, they usually go through
the five
stages of grieving. The stages are:
b. -
| -
denial, anger, bargaining, depression,- acceptance
parents disagree with the identification, evaluation or educational placement of their child, they are
automatically entitled to
IDEIA, parents have the right to
b. -
| -
24-hour advance notice of all meetings -
with an emotional disorder
b. -
| -
demonstrate inappropriate types of- behavior or feelings under normal circumstances
fostering collaboration with parents, teachers
a. -
| -
consider environmental conditions -
operant conditioning the consequence is identified as a if the preceding behavior increases or is
maintained at a current rate, duration or intensity
student with disabilities who brings a weapon to school may be placed in an
interim alternative educational setting for up to ___ days.
of the following terms best completes this sentence: Behaviors that are
precisely defined are stated in terms that are and ________.
b. -
| -
Observable and measurable -
During a momentary time sample
the observer records:
a. -
| -
Whether behavior occurred at a- particular moment or not
A Functional Behavioral
Assessment is NOT:
b. -
| -
Make assumptions about behavior based- upon hunches.
IDEA requires that students with disabilities
a. -
| -
be provided access to the general- education curriculum
is self-determination?
a. -
| -
Where the- individual with a disability acts as a causal agent in their life
American with Disabilities Act went into effect in____________?
are some workplace supports for individuals with disabilities that may already
are barriers to employment for individuals with disabilities?
b. -
| -
There are many numerous barriers -
Individualized transition plan should consider the following goal areas:
b. -
| -
Goals should be meaningful and- individualized to meet the needs of each and every single student
six steps to implement person-centered individualized transition planning are
convening IEP teams around each transition-age student, review assessment data and conduct additional
assessment activities, develop transition IEPs, implement transition IEPs, and
a. -
| -
update the- transition IEP annually and implement follow-up procedures and hold an exit
- meeting
b. -
| -
a way of sequencing the steps in a- task and collecting data on student performance
considerations in establishing and using community-based work experience sites
b. -
| -
staffing,- scheduling, transportation, liability and safety, and cost
technology must be used to
b. -
| -
maximize independent living -
Employers concerns about hiring
individuals with disabilities include
b. -
| -
costs associated with hiring and not- being able to terminate employment
is said that sheltered workshops are generally:
many prior notices must be sent before you can hold an annual IEP meeting
without the parents’ attending?
a. -
| -
1 written- notice and a phone call
person must have knowledge of CCSD policies and procedures.
students ages 16 and over must have this included in their IEP.
many minutes per week do first through twelfth grade students spend in school
in CCSD?
are the 6 components of the Holland Standard found in the IEP?
a. -
| -
Justification- for placement
of the following is a well written instructional objective?
b. -
| -
When given- a worksheet with 25 long division problems with no remainders, student will
- be able to write the answers with 80% accuracy.
introducing a new concept to your
class it is best to do which of the following?
a. -
| -
Work with- the whole class and actively lead the group
classroom management, which of the following states the teacher's way of communicating
his or her expectations, gives students a model for how to behave and should
represent the developmental level of your students?
part of the lesson plan will allow the teacher to know if the students have
mastered the lesson objective?
part of the lesson the teacher shows students the expected behavior which they
are supposed to be able to do as a result of the lesson.
a. -
| -
Demonstration/Modeling -