Male Reproductive System

  1. Spermatozoon (plural is spermatozoa)
    A male sex cell, a male gamete
  2. Coitus or copulation
    Sexual intercourse
  3. What r fraternal twins?
    Twins resulting from the fertiliation of seperate ova by seperate sperm cells. Hereditary.
  4. Identical twins?
    identical twins result from fertilization of a single egg cell by a single sperm. Always the same sex, and very familiar in form and features.
  5. Testosterone
    Male reproductive system secretes this hormone. responsible for production of the male characterstics (hair, deep voice, etc)
  6. gonads a.k.a.
    testicles, testes or testis (singular)
  7. Spermatogenesis develops where?
    in the scrotum, a sac enclosing the testes.
  8. What is seminiferous tubules?
    The interior of a testis is composed of a large mass of narrow, coiled tubules. These tubules contain cells that manufacture spermatozoa.
  9. After formation, cperm cells mover through the sminiferous tubules and collect in ducts that lead to a larfe tube, the __________.
    epididymus (which is located at the upper part of each testis.
  10. From the epididymis to the ductus deferens a.k.a. ____________.
    vas deferns. The vas deferens is about 2 feet long and carries the sperm to the pelvic region.
  11. During a vasectomy or sterilization procedure, the urologist cuts and ties of each ___________.
    vas deferens.
  12. The seminal vesicle is at the level of the urinary bladder to for the _________ duct.
    Ejaculatory duct, leading toward the urethra.
  13. a thick, sugary, yellowish substance that nourishes the sperm cells and forms much of the volume of ejactulation is _________.
  14. What is Cryptorchism?
    Where the testes do not descend, but can be corrected by surgery.
  15. Parenchymal tissue
    Tissue that carries on the main function of an organ. In the male, the parenchymal tissue is the sminiferous tubules.
  16. Interstitial tissue
    Tissue that produces testosterone, which is responsible for secondary sex characteristics.
  17. Stroma or stromal tissue
    Is supportive tissue
  18. There are three internal glands:
    1. seminal vesicles- secretes a fluid to nourish the sperm cells
    2. prostate gland- aids in the motility of sperm by secreting a fluid that is alkaline
    3. Cowper's gland, which is also known as ________________.
    bulbourethral gland, it secretes fluid that lbricates and neutralizes the urethra for safe passage.
  19. glans penis
    head of the penis, slightly larger than the main body of the penis.
  20. The penis is covered with a fold of soft flexible skin called foreskin or __________.
    Prepuce. Circumcision removes the foreskin from around the glans.
  21. impotence
    inability to achieve an erection. Viagra (sildenafil citrate) is a drug that increases blood flow to the penis, enhancing that ability to have an erection.
  22. phimosis
    a narrowing of the opening of the foreskin over the glans can interfere with urination and cause infection. Treatment is circucision.
  23. hypospadia
    sometimes at birth the opening of the urethra is found on the lover surface of the penis
  24. epispadia
    the opening of the urethra is found on the upper surface of the penis
  25. Know the following order which traces the path of spermatozoa from their formation in the seminiferous tubules of the testes to the outside of the body.
    Seminiferous tubules (testes, sperm formed here) --> Epididymis --> Vas deferens (siminal vesicles) --> Ejaculatory duct --> Urethra (prostate gland->cowper glands) --> penis --> leaves body
  26. flagellum
    hair like projection on a sperm cell that makes it motile (able to move)
  27. andr/o

    example: androgen, testosterone is an androgen. The testes in males and the adrenal glands in both men and women produce androgens.
  28. balan/o
    glans penis (balanos=acorn in greek)

    Ex: balanitis, caused by overgrowth of organisms (bacteria and yeast)
  29. cry/o

    ex: cryogenic surgery, new techniques for prostat cancet tretment use cryosurgery to freeze and kill cells that radical prostatectomy cannot reach
  30. crypt/o

    ex: cryptorchism, a congenital condition, one or both testicles do not descend, by the time of birth, into the scrotal sac from the abdominal cavity.
  31. epididym/o

    ex: epididymitis. Inflamation of the epididymis, symptoms include fever chills, pain in groind, tender, swollen epididymis
  32. gon/o

  33. hydr/o
    water, fluid

    hydrocele, sac of clear fluid in the scrotum
  34. orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o
    testis, testicle (orchid flower like tubes)

    • orchiectomy or orchidectomy, castration in males
    • anorchism, missing one or both testes
  35. prostat/o
    prostate gland

    • prostitis
    • prostatectomy
  36. semin/i
    semen, seed

    seminiferous tubules (-ferous means pertaining to bearing or carrying)
  37. sperm/o, sermat/o
    spermatozoa, semen

    • spermolytic
    • oligospermia
    • aspermia, lack of formation or ejaculation of semen
  38. terat/o

    teratoma, a benign tumor occuring in the testes
  39. test/o
    testis, testicle

    • testicular
    • (originates from meaning witness, where men would take an oath with one hand on their testes, swearing by their manhood to tell the truth.)
  40. varci/o
    varicose veins

    varicocele, a collection of ENLARGED DIALATED varicose (swollen, twisted) veins above the testis,
  41. vas/o
    vessel, duct; vas deferens

    vasectomy, cuts and ties off each vas deferens
  42. zo/o
    animal life

    azoospermia, lack of spermatozoa in the semen.
  43. -genesis

    spermatogenesis, producing or forming sperm in the scrotum. Lower temerature is necessary for the adequete maturation and development of sperm.
  44. -one

    testosterone (ster/o=type of steroid compound)
  45. -pexy
    • fixation, put in place
    • (pixy dust, tinkerbell fixed on peter pan, LOL, jk)

    orchiopexy, a surgical procedure to correct cryptorchism
  46. -stomy
    new opening

    vasovasostomy, reversal of vasectomy, a urologist rejoins the cut ends of the vas deferens.
  47. Name and know all of the testicular cancers.
    • 1. SEMINOMA- most common, arises from embryonic cells in testes.
    • (nonseminomatous tumors are:)
    • a. embryonal carcinoma
    • b. teratocarcinoma
    • c. choriocarcinoma
    • (can be treated with surgury. serum levels test for proteins are tumor markers)
  48. cryptorchism, cryptorchidism
    undescended testicles

    an orchipexy is performed to bring the testes into the scrotum if they don't descend on their own.
  49. hydrocele
    sac of clear fluid in scrotum. congenital or a respons to infection or tumors. needs to be aspirated via needle and syringe or hydrocelectomy
  50. prostatic hyperplasia
    • benign growth of cells within the prostate gland. BPH, benign prostatic hyperplasia, is common in men older than 60 yo.
    • treated by TURP (transurethral resection of the prostat)
  51. vereneal disease, aka ________
    sexually transmitted diseases.

    derived from the latin word Venus, the goddess of love)
  52. syphilis
    chronic STD caused by a spirochete (spiral-shaped bacterium) A chancre or hard ucler or sore usually appears on external genitalia a few weeks after infection. It can happen in ANY ORGAN.
  53. PSA test
    measures levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in the blood
  54. -rrhaphy
  55. -rrhagia
    bursting forth (of blood)
  56. -ectasis
Card Set
Male Reproductive System
Chapter 9 in the Language of Medicine for a Medical Terminology course. MO 114.