Chapter 41

  1. Cranium
    - the Skull, part enclosing the brain
  2. Gill Arches
    - Any of a series of bony or cartilaginous curved bars along the pharynx, supporting the gills
  3. Vertebral Column
    - series of vertebrae forming the axis of the Skelton and protecting the spinal cord
  4. Cartilage
    - firm, whitish, flexible connective tissue found in various forms in the larynx and respiratory tract
  5. Clasper

    - anatomical structure of certain male animals used in mating
  6. External Fertilization

    - which a sperm cell is united with an egg cell external to the bodies reproducing individuals
  7. Internal Fertilization

    - is done through copulation
  8. Lateral Line System

    - is a sense organ in aquatic organisms, used to detect movement and vibration in surrounding water
  9. Olfactory Bulb

    - one of two enlargements at the terminus of the olfactory nerve at the base of the brain just about the nasal cavities
  10. Pectoral Fins

    - A pair of fins situated on either side just behind a fishes head
  11. Placoid Scale

    - denticles are body surface structures found on some fish and insects
  12. Rectal Gland

    - Removes excess sodium and chloride ions from body
  13. Anal Fin

    - located on the underside of a fish behind the anus
  14. Anus

    - The opening at the end of the alimentary canal though which solid waste matter leaves the body
  15. Artery

    - Muscular-walled tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood is conveyed from heart to all parts of the body
  16. Atrium

    - two upper cavities of the hear from which blood is passed to the ventricles
  17. Bile

    - a bitter greenish-brow alkaline fluid that aids digestion and is secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder.
  18. Capillary

    - form a network between the arterioles and venules
  19. Caudal fin

    - Tail Fin
  20. Cerebellum
    - Part of the brain at the back of the skull in vertebrates
  21. Cerebrum

    - Principal and most anterior part of the brain in vertebrates
  22. Conus Arteriosus

    - is a conical pouch formed form the upper and left angel of the right ventricle in the chordate heart.
  23. Countercurrent Flow
    - a Current that flows in the opposite direction of the concurrent.
  24. Cranial nerve

    - Each of twelve pairs of nerves that arise directly from the brain.
  25. Dorsal fin

    - An unpaired fin on the back of a fish or whale.
  26. Esophagus

    - Connects the throat to the stomach.
  27. Gallbladder

    - The small sac-shaped organ beneath the liver.
  28. Intestine

    - the whole alimentary canal from the mouth downward.
  29. Liver

    - is involved in many metabolic processes
  30. Lobe-finned fish

    - the probable ancestors of the amphibians.
  31. Lung
    - oxygen can pass into the blood and carbon dioxide be removed.
  32. Medulla Oblongata

    - lowest part of the brainstem and containing control centers for the heart and lungs.
  33. Operculum

    - A structure that closes or covers an aperture.
  34. Optic tectum

    - is a paired structure that forms a major component of the vertebrates midbrain.
  35. Pancreas

    - a large gland behind the stomach that secretes digestive enzymes into the duodenum.
  36. Pectoral girdle

    - the skeletal framework that provides attachment for the forelimbs or pectoral fins, usually consisting of the scapulas and clavicles.
  37. Pelvic fin

    - each of a pair of fins on the underside of a fishes body, attached to the pelvic girdle and helping to control direction.
  38. Pelvic Girdle

    - The enclosing structure formed by the pelvis, providing attachment for the hind limbs or pelvic fins.
  39. Ray-finned Fish

    - A fish of a large group having thin fins strengthened by slender rays, including all bony fishes apart from the coelacanth and lungfishes.
  40. Sinus venosus

    - The first chamber of the heart in fish, amphibians, and reptiles, emptying into the right atrium.
  41. Spawning

    - produce or generate in large numbers.
  42. Spinal Nerves
    - the term spinal nerve generally refers to the mixed spinal nerve.
  43. Stomach

    - The internal organ in which the first part of digestion occurs.
  44. Swim Bladder

    - A gas-filled sac present in the body of many bony fishes.
  45. Urinary Bladder
    - a sac that holds and stores urine for excretion.
  46. Urine

    - A watery, typically yellowish fluid stored in the bladder and discharged through the urethra.
  47. Vein-

    Any of the tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body.
  48. Ventricle

    - A hollow part of cavity in an organ.
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Chapter 41