Nutrition Exam 3

  1. Definition of Vitamin
    Essential organic substance, produce deficiency symptoms when missing from the diet.
  2. Fat-soluble vs Water-soluble
    • Fat: ADEK
    • Water: BC
  3. Vitamin toxicity are casued by?
    Supplementation or eating alot of organ meats such as liver.
  4. How vitamin content of food preserved?
    Blanching food and freezing
  5. Two risks for not getting enough fat-soluble
    lose in body structure and many health effects
  6. Enrichment Act of 1998
    Gernally due to milling, the nutritions are lost over the process. To fix that lose it is enriched with B vitamins. Generally you would want to eat whole eat products than white.
  7. What is USP and what do they do?
    USP is a non-govermental public standards. It over sees prescriptions and over the counter medicines. Verify quality, purity, and potency of dietary supplement finished products/ingredients, and pharaceutical ingredients.
  8. Basics of Osmosis
    Water through a membrane from a less concentrated compartment to a more concentrated compartment. Low iron dilutes, High iron concetrated.
  9. Functions of water
    • Regulates body temperature
    • Removal of waste
    • Medium for trasnportation
  10. Major Minerals
    • Requirs greater than 100 mg/day
    • calcium phoshorus
  11. Trace Minerals
    • Require less than 100 mg/day
    • iron, zinc
  12. RDA for sodium
    • 1500 mg for adults
    • average 200-500 mg to function
    • Typical intake is 4700-7200
  13. Vitamin D prperly uses?
    Calsium in forming bone
  14. What happens if you don't get enough Calcium or have low blood pH?
    Body will sacrifice done to maintain blood pH
  15. important take-home message on Bone Density for girls.
    From the time you are born to the age 30 you should be making your bones as strong as possible. After 30 density will be lost over time.
  16. Main function of iron in the body?
    Transports oxygen
  17. Not getting enough Iron develops a condition called?
    Iron-Deficient Anemia
  18. Hypertension (HTN)
    • Systolic blood pressureDiastolic blood pressure
    • normal 120/80
    • HTN: > 139/89
    • Test for high blood pressure
  19. How does sodium increase blood pressure?
    increases with intake. fluid retention leads to increased blood volume.
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Nutrition Exam 3