dental materials

  1. fluoride can be found as naturally occurring in which one of the following

    d. beans
    C tea
  2. when tooth enamel first begins to demineralize what is one of the corrective measures that can be taken to stimulate remineralization

    B. use a dialy rinse containing fluoride
  3. when enamel is remineralized with fluoride

    B. the resultant remineralized crystal is more resistant to acids
  4. fluorosis is always considered to be

    D. a sign that the person has ingested more than the optimum amount of fluoride
  5. nightly home fluoride treatment with 1.1% sodium fluoride as a brush on gel or in custom trays is indicated for

    C. eldery pt taking meds that cause dry mouth
  6. sealant material is

    D. an unfilled or lightly fillled resin
  7. when a dental sealant is placed the technique
    a is exaclty the same as bonding to dentin
    b. requries the feild to be kept dry
    c. can be done by dental hygienist and assistants in all states
    d. always requries the use of a curing light
    c requries the field to be kept dry
  8. which one of the following is the best candidate for sealants

    D. newly erupted tooth with numerous deep fissures
  9. if caries in a fissure is undected and is inadvertently coverd by a well placed sealant what will happen?
    a caries will progress rapidly
    b. caries will progress slowly
    c. caires wil stop progressing
    c. caires will stop progressing
  10. very small filler particles are added to sealant materials for which purpose

    C. to decrease wear of sealant
  11. how is the surface of the tooth prepared before acid etching for sealant placement
    a pt is asked to brush teeth
    b. teeth wiped with gauze
    c. fluoride gel is applied
    d surfaces are cleaned with pumice
    d. surfaces are cleaned with pumice
  12. the acid most commonly used to etch the enamel for sealant placement is which one

    D. phosphoric acid
  13. the tip of the light wand of the curing light should be held how close to the sealant?

    C. very close about 1 mm awqay from the surface
  14. all of the following except one are reasons why pits and fissures are so susceptible to careis which one is the exception

    C. the enamle lining them is very thin
  15. after placement of a sealant which of the following should be checked?

    D. all of the above
  16. the most common reason for loss of a sealant shortly after placement is which of the following

    C. saliva contamination after acid etching
  17. how should the surface of the enamel appear after acid etching

    A. frosty white
  18. what does the acid etch do to the surface of the enamel
    a. creates a roughend irregular surface
    b. leaves a smooth clean surface
    c. evenly removes about half the enamel
    d. none of the above
    a creates a roughened irregular surface
  19. the most important requirement for successfully bonding sealants to enamel is

    B. good isololation to prevent saliva contamination
  20. studies hsow caries to occur in pits and fissures most often in which groups of teeth

    B. perm molars
  21. how does a sealant adhere to the etched enamel surface?

    C. micromechanical retention
  22. the main purpose of most desensitizing agents

    C. plug openings of exposed dential tubules
  23. when a mouth guard is prescribed by the dentist fabrication can be done by
    a dental assistant
    b. dental hygienist
    c. laboratory technician
    d. all of the above
    d. all of the above
  24. the main purpose of a mouth guard is

    D. to help protect the teeth and supporting structures during contact sports
  25. custom made mouth guards and splints may be made of

    A. thermoplastic sheets of resilient plastic or hard processed acrylic resin
  26. bleaching of teeth

    A. can cause sensitivity of the teeth
  27. bleaching of teeth works

    B. by penetrating both enamel and dentin and oxidizing the stain
  28. in office bleaching

    C. produces equivalent results to home bleaching but is faster
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dental materials
chapter 7 review questions