(n) [aj oo la shen] excessive flattery. Although the emperor had brought many benefits to his people, their unbridled adulation showed that the people thought him almost a diety.
(n) [af loo ens] wealth; abundance. Teachers at impoverished schools are sometimes surprised to learn that the children in rich schools have similar problems, despite their parent’s affluence.
(adj) [€ me n€ b€l] willing to follow advice or suggestion; tractable; submissive. Everyone praised Joan’s flexible leadership style since she was so amenable to change when new ideas were presented.
(n) [sel € bit] unmarried, especially by religious vow; abstaining from sex. Although in Medieval times, priests vowed to remain celibate, occasionally clergymen would have mistresses and even children.
[ke rob € rat] to confirm. The White House reporters checked their notebooks to corroborate the President’s recollection.
(n) [doo plis € te] deceitfulness. The director of the lottery was arrested after his duplicity was uncovered.
(adj) [eg zem ple re] serving as a model. Marjorie was able to demand $10.00 an hour because she had the reputation as an exemplary babysitter.
(adj) [fet id] stinking; having an offensive smell. The air in hold of the ship, fetid from the accumulation of stagnant bilge water, offal, and decayed food, caused the prisoner to gag and retch.
(adj) [in d€ jent] poverty-stricken. Once a wealthy and formidable boxer, Rocco is not indigent and living on the street. (also can be used as a noun)
(adj) [me ni € kel] characterized by madness. With a maniacal shriek, the deranged killer rushed from his hiding place into a hail of police bullets.
(adj) [pug na shes] eager and ready to fight; quarrelsome. robin had a pugnacious quality that often landed her in trouble for her frequent brawls.
(v) [skof] to mock or jeer at; to make fun of. Because he did not know anything about modern art, Eugene was inclined to scoff at the works of Picasso and Dali.
(n) [trav i ste] exaggerated imitation intended to ridicule. The musical drama The Pirates if Penzance by Gilbert and Sullivan is a travesty of the British navy and the foolishness of its admirals.
(adj) [ungk choo es] oily or slippery; insincerely earnest. The salesman’s unctuous manner did not deceive the customer who could see that the suit was not really of such fine quality as it appeared.
(adj) [za ne] clownish; foolish; funny; absurd. In hindsight, Karen admitted her zany antics had no place in the classroom.