dental materials

  1. what is the hygienist implication of porcelain?
    watch porcelain margins
  2. what is the MOST COMMON restoration in fixed prosthodontics?
    Procelain-Metal Restorations (PBM/PFM)
  3. how does metal and porcelain bond?
    through OXIDE layer on metal as metal is heated
  4. an advantage of PFM is the strength of the restoration from the ______ between the ____ and the ______
    • BOND
    • metal
    • porcelain
  5. what are most porcelain failures related to?
    chemcial bond between porcelain and metal OXIDES upon OCCLUSAL LOADING
  6. what is the metal thickness of a PFM?
    .3-.5mm thick
  7. porcelain jacket crowns are made from _____ ____ ____
    low fusing porcelain
  8. the ____ _____ in the ______ area is ______ due to the _______ _____ with all ceramic crowns than the PFM
    • fracture rate
    • posterior
    • higher
    • occlusal loading
  9. what type of restorations are all ceramic crowns used for?
    • inlays
    • onlays
    • crowns
    • veneers
  10. what are two advantages of low fusing porcelain over regular procelain?
    • less wear (less abrasive) on opposing teeth
    • easier to polish
  11. what is an advantage of all ceramic compared to PFM?
    no opaque laer to mask metal
  12. what are two advantages to the computer assisted CAD/CAM restoartions?
    • no die needed and not temp corwn
    • Optical canner makes impression of crown prep/adj teeth
  13. with the computer assisted CAD/CAM restorations what takes an "impression" of the crown prep and adjacent teeth?
    optical scanner
  14. t/f vaneers are less opaque
    false, MORE OPAQUE
  15. vaneers can be used to cover defects such as what?
    dark teeth
  16. does a veneer bond better to enamel or dentin?
    ENAMEL! bond is stronger than dentinal bond
  17. what is the strongest bond overall?
  18. ______ coupling agent is added to _____ porcelain surface to enhance bond between the procelain and resin cement
    • SILANE
    • ETCHED
  19. what is used for conditioning with a vaneer?
    hydrofluoric acid
  20. what do you look for when taking a shade? 3
    • hue
    • chroma
    • value
  21. what is the tooth color or mixtures of color?
  22. what is the INTENSITY of color?
  23. what is the lightness or darknees of tooth (GRAYNESS)
  24. when is the shade taken? 2
    • BEFORE:
    • preparation of tooth
    • rubber dam placement
  25. with what type of lights would a shade look more blue?
  26. t/f with incandescent lights the shade appears more yellow
  27. the natural _____ light is great but not in the AM or PM..why?
    • NORTH
    • more yellow and orange in AM and PM there is less green and blue
  28. dental unit lights _______ shade brightenss and ______ color intensity
  29. the dental unit light increases the shade ______ and decreases _____ _____
    • brightness
    • color intensity
  30. what type of backgroud do you want when taking a shade?
    neutral background
  31. what color of bib is good for taking a shade?
  32. what type of shade guide is used when taking a shade?
    PORCELAIN shade guide
  33. when taking a shade the shade tabs should be _____ and next to the tooth in the same ______
    • moistened
    • plain
  34. what is noted when characterizing a shade? 3
    • LUSTER
  35. what type of fluoride is used with porcelain restorations?
    neutral sodium fluoride
Card Set
dental materials
chapter 8 dental ceramics