
  1. What is the best definition of a strange field?
    any field other then home
  2. Engine oil should be checked within ______ minutes of shutdown
  3. A strange field preflight inspection should be completed ______.
    prior to the first flight of the day
  4. After pulling the hydraulic manual pressure relief handle you observe a fluid level indication of FULL AD. You should ______.
    consider the system properly serviced
  5. Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW) of the aircraft includes the weight of the crew and baggage.
  6. At a military airfield you will file your flight plan through ______, and at a civilian airfield you will file your flight plan through ______.
    base ops; FSS
  7. When departing from a civilian field on an IFR flight plan, why should you call FSS after takeoff?
    To pass along your departure time
  8. Where do you find the aircraft’s Basic Empty Weight (BEW) for CG computations?
    At the squadron operations desk or as locally designated
  9. What is the best method to manage aircraft weight in order to keep the aircraft center of gravity within limits?
    Reduce fuel and/or baggage weight
  10. If your flight is not the last flight of the day, how would you perform the postflight inspection?
    Only complete applicable to between flights like oil servicing and refueling
  11. When arriving at a strange civilian airfield, how should you close your flight plan?
    Contact FSS
  12. How many fuel sumps must be drained during a strange field preflight?
  13. What is the purpose of pulling the manual pressure relief handle during preflight inspection?
    relieve HYD pressure to get an accurate reading
  14. After taking off, how is your flight plan activated?
    • At Mil field tower activates
    • At Civil field you call FSS
  15. A comprehensive listing of common FLIP, FAA and ICAO terms and explanations can be found in FLIP ______.
  16. To find information on a restricted area located in the US, you need to look in FLIP ______.
  17. Where can you obtain FAA Class "D" NOTAMs for a particular airfield?
    FSS or DOD primary/alternate NOTAMS web page
  18. What is the significance of the flag symbol with a R in it?
  19. Which in-flight publication contains the turbulence reporting tables that would be used when giving a PIREP?
  20. Navigational charts are oriented to ______ north and south, while aircraft navigation systems are oriented to ______ north and south.
    True, Magnetic
  21. In planning a Route Abort Altitude, what do you do after determining the obstacle altitude?
    Round up to the next 100ft and add 1000ft
  22. When flying a low-level SR route or other MTR, why must you contact FSS?
    let them know entry and exit points and times
  23. Most turns at low-level are made at ______ of bank
  24. When arriving at an uncontrolled airfield, you communicate your intentions with the FSS through CTAF, and by self-announcement on the CTAF (usually 123.0). What is the third means to announce your arrival at an uncontrolled airfield?
  25. You are flying in instrument conditions and lose communications. When would you plan to commence an approach?
    EFC or ETA
  26. The rules and specifications for completing the Route of Flight Section on military, ICAO and civilian flight plans can be found in ______.
  27. Appropriate cruising altitudes for IFR or VFR flights can be found in the ______ legend
    High and low altitude enroute chart
  28. For low-level routes, what are the transponder settings for SR and VR routes respectively?
    1200 and 4000
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