Great Gatsby Lit Terms

  1. American Dream:
    lots of money;upward career mobility;welath growing in proprtion to effort;nice marriage; good children; good neighbors only a white picket fence away
  2. denouement:
    literay means "tying of the knot"; when all questions are answered. The final part of Freytag's pyramid
  3. dramatic climax:
    mostexciting part of the narrative
  4. epiphany:
    character's significant realization about some aspect of life
  5. exposition:
    the point in the plot where charcters, situations, and settings are introduced
  6. technical climax:
    naartive turnabout; he point at which power switches hands
  7. Jazz Age:
    period characterized by speakeasies, bathtub gin, short skirts, dancing flappers, and prohibition
  8. Modernism:
    primary theme is the impossibility of meaningful communication, but other prevalent themes are aienation, isoation, and the impossibiity of love. Many modernist writers strive to prove the American Dream is empty.
  9. motivation:
    why a character does things; their intentions
  10. objective correlative:
    super-significant symbol i.e Gatsby's Car
  11. pathetic fallacy:
    the sun comes out and it stops raining when Gatsby and Daisy are once again together
  12. Prohibition:
    legal proscription against the sale and consumption of ethyl alcohol
  13. recognition:
    a reader's personal identification of character traits that are also refected in fictional characters
  14. rising action:
    follows exposition and is charcterized by a gradua complication of the situation at hand
  15. sympathy:
    a reader's ability to understand a character without neccesarily liking. in popuar usage however, we intend the term to mean tender feelings. As a literary term, we don't have to like the charcter, just understand how they become the person that they are
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Great Gatsby Lit Terms
there you go! literary terms for great gatsby