
  1. Deity
    God or divine bring. The romans used the latin word deus to describe the god.
  2. Democracy
    means "ruled by the people" and is usually said to have been invented by athenians, but Athenian democracy did not include all people.
  3. Dromos
    Track for running or a race track. Spartans regularly trained at the dromos, just as athletes today do.
  4. Exile
    Person who is expelled from his/her native land and usually not allowed to return. People are often exiled for political reasons.
  5. Gymnasium
    A large room originally used for indoor sport and military training by the greeks. Greek gymnasia were also used for social life, club meetings and education
  6. Helots
    Spartian slaves who were bound to the land. Helot originally meant "captive", and helots had no legal rights.
  7. Hemlock
    Poison made from a coniferous tree. They used it to get rid of enemies.
  8. Historia
    Continous record of events, often in chronological order. Historia may mean "research" or "inquiry".
  9. Hoplite
    Heavily armed foot soldiers from an ancient Greek city-state. Each was equipped with armour, a short iron sword, and a 3-metre spear.
  10. Libations
    Drinks of wine, oil, or even water, poured as offering to the gods by the greeks and romans
  11. Marathon
    Race of 42.195 km. According to oral traditional, in 490 BCE , a messenger ran from Marathon to Athens, a distance of 42.195 km, to bring news of a greek victory over the Persians.
  12. Mosaic
    Picture made of small cubes of coloured stone or glass, cemented to a flat surface.
  13. Olympiad
    period of 4 years, the time between olympic games.
  14. Oracles
    Special places where the greek gods spoke to humans and answer their questions. Delphi was the most famous oracle.
  15. ostracism
    Process b which ancient Greek banished or exiled dangerous or unpopular citizens, usually for five to ten years.
  16. Phalanx
    Special Greek battle formation made up of soldiers, fighting close together, with their shields joined.
  17. Acropolis
    Highest point in any city. most city-states in ancient times had an acropolis, which was a fortified citadel where defenders could withdraw if the city was attacked.
  18. Agora
    Meeting place or market place originally in ancient greece. the agora was also the religious, political, business and social centre.
  19. Archaeology
    The study of ancient or Prehistoric times.
  20. Brazier
    Pan r stand (usually made of metal) for holding light coals and used for heating or cooking.
  21. capital punishment
    Punishment by death, usually for major crimes such as murder or treason.
  22. Chiton
    Tunic of wool or linen worn by greek men and women.
  23. city-state
    Independent city and its surrounding land with its own laws and government.
  24. Civilization
    A society with advanced political and social organizations. and has a complex culture.
  25. Philosopher
    Person who studies and teaches a set of beliefs by which people live. A philosopher uses reason and argument to seek the truth.
  26. Polis
    City-state, especially in ancient greece. polis is the Greek word for "city"
  27. Quorum
    Number of people who must be present at a meeting to make the decisions at the meeting valid.
  28. Staple
    Most important article or part; food that is basic in the diet.
  29. Who are the three Philosophers??
    Socrates, plato and Aristotle!
  30. What is Socrates known for??
    • He asks his students questions
    • He never wrote anything down
    • He was put to death by drinking Hemlock
  31. What was Plato known for??
    • Believed in spiritual values
    • Student of socrates
    • Came up with the lost city of Atlantis
  32. What was Aristotle known for??
    • He taught the science was the most important area of study
    • Was the teacher of alexander the great
    • wrote over 500 know essays
  33. Who and what was Herodotus??
    He was a historian and called the "father of history"
  34. Who and what was Hippocrates??
    He was a doctor of medicine and was called the father of medicine
  35. Who and what was Astronomer??
    He was a astronomer and said the sun was the centre of the solar system.
  36. Who and what was Erastosthenes??
    geographer almost found the circumference of the earth and was only 195 miles off
  37. Who and what was Euclid?
    Mathematician and he wrote the 1st geometry book
  38. Who and what was Pythagoras?
    A mathematician and came up with the Pythagorean theorum
  39. Who and what was Archimedes?
    A mathematician and he perfected the pulley and lever
  40. Xerxes
    Persian Great King from 486 BCE - 465 BCE, son of Darius 1. His attempts to complete the conquest of Greece begun by Darius failed
  41. Darius 1, Great King of Persia 520 BCE - 486 BCE
    An able ruler who organized his empire very well and introduced secret police, a postal system, coinage and a legal system
  42. Hellenes
    the name that ancient Greek people called themselves
  43. Homer
    • 700 BCE
    • Blind, a great and epic poet who supposedly composed the Iliad and the Odyssey.
  44. Iliad
    an epic poem about the Trojan War supposedly composed by Homer. It tells the story of the causes and duration of the 10 years war
  45. Peloponnesian War
    Fought between Athens and Sparta from 431 BCE and 404 BCE
  46. Philip II of Macedonia
    He ruled Macedonia from 359 BCE - 336 BCE - conquered most of Greece and planned to invade Persia but was assassinated at his daughter's wedding - his son Alexander the Great carried on his conquests
  47. Plato
    428 BCE - 348 BCE - student of Socrates who later formulated his own ideas that are still considered today including the lost city of Atlantis
  48. 776 BC
    The first Olympic Games took place
  49. 490 BC
    The Persian Wars began when Persia invaded Greece
  50. 432 BC
    The construction of the Parthenon in Athens is completed. It was begun in 447 BC
  51. 431-404 BC
    The Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta took place
  52. 399 BC
    Socrates is put to death in Athens
  53. 331 BC
    Alexander the Great conquers Persia
  54. 31 BC
    Roman armies conquer the Greek kingdom in Egypt
  55. Tele
    far off
  56. Scope
    Means of seeing
  57. psypo
  58. micro
    very small
  59. ology
    study of
  60. lith(e)
  61. graph
  62. geo
  63. bio
  64. auto
  65. antropo
    study of man
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Some vocabulary and dates etc. from ancient greece.