Literary epic
an epic poem written in imitation of an earlier epic; aka secondary epic
seven metrical feet; no longer common in English poetry
Common measure
ABAB rhyme scheme; suitable for choirs & hymns, i.e., Amazing Grace
Literary Ballad
a ballad with more elaborate stanzas, i.e., Rime of the Ancient Mariner
A foot consisting of a strongly stressed syllable followed by a weakly stressed syllable
a foot consisting of two unstressed syllables followed by a stress, as in "The Destruction of Sennacherib" by Byron: "The Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold"
Dactylic foot
a foot of one stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables: merrily, happily
a kind or type of poetry that conforms to certain conventions & expectations
a line of verse consisting of two metrical feet
End-stopped line
a line of verse in which a logical or rhetorical pause occurs at the end of the line, usually marked with a period, comma, or semicolon
a pause or break in the middle of a line, may be marked by a comma
Accentual-Syllabic meter
a rhythmic pattern based on a regular count of both the syllables and the accents in a line, as in Cantebury Tales
the science or study of poetic meters and versification
act of determining what meter a given line has, if any
Headless Line
an iambic line in which the first (unstressed) syllable is omitted; allows the poet to vary meter in a subtle way; also known an asacephalous:
To An Athlete Dying Young
by AE Housman
- The time you won your town the race
- We chaired you through the market-place;
- Man and boy stood cheering by
Folk Ballads
anonymous medieval word-of-mouth poems
anything that represents or stands in for some larger idea or concept
Border Ballads
arose on the border of Scotland & England when a lot of skirmishes took place
as opposed to figurative; considering the obvious meaning of words & phrases
Traditional Epic
classic epics that became foundational texts for later writers