Origin and Insertion of Biceps Brachii
- Origin- (Short head) coracoid process of the scapula; (Long head) supraglenoid tubercle
- Insertion- Radial tuberosity; Bicipital aponeurosis
Action, R/NR and D/S of Biceps Brachii
- Action- flexes the elbow; supinates the forearm; flexes the shoulder
- Ropy
- Primarily superficial- small bit deep to anterior deltoid
Origin and Insertion of Brachialis
- The true flexor of the elbow
- Origin- Distal half of anterior humerus
- Insertion- Radial tuberosity; coranoid process of ulna
Action, R/NR and D/S of Brachialis
- Action- flexes the elbow
- Non-ropy
- Both deep and superficial
Origin and Insertion of Triceps Brachii
- Origin- (Long head) Infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula; (Lateral head) posterior surface of proximal half of humerus; (Medial head) posterior surface of distal half of humerus
- Insertion- Olecrenon process of the ulna
Action, R/NR and D/S of Triceps Brachii
- All heads extend the elbow
- Long head- extends and adducts the shoulder
- Ropy
- Deep to itself
- Both- medial head deep to others
Origin and Insertion of Brachioradialis
- The popeye muscle
- Origin- Lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus
- Insertion- Radial styloid process; does not cross radius
Action, R/NR and D/S of Brachioradialis
- Flexes the elbow
- Assists resisted supination and pronation of the forearm (turning screwdriver)
- Ropy
- Superficial
Origin and Insertion of Pronator Teres
- Make a gun, put against medial epicondyle
- Origin- Medial epicondyle of the humerus (common flexor tendon); coranoid process of ulna
- Insertion- Mid-lateral shaft of radius
Action, R/NR and D/S of Pronator Teres
- Action- Pronation of forearm; flexes the elbow
- Nonropy
- Both- deep to brachioradialis
Origin and insertion of Supinator
- Wraps around ulna at supinator crest
- Origin- Lateral epicondyle of the humerus; supinator crest of ulna; annular ligament (covers head of radius) radial collateral ligament
- Insertion- Anterior, lateral surface of proximal 1/3 of radial shaft
Action, R/NR and D/S of Supinator
- Action- supinates the forearm
- Nonropy
- Deep