chapter 18

  1. Underarm area or armpit
  2. Device for receiving feces or urine from patients confined to bed; may be used for specimencollection
  3. Yellowish or brownish waxy secretion produced by vestigial apocrine sweat glands in theexternal ear canal; earwax
  4. Waterproof, disposable under pad
  5. Around an orbit; often referring to the eye
  6. Artificial teeth not permanently fixed or implanted
  7. Body temperature above normal
  8. The science of health and its maintenance; system of principles for preserving health andpreventing disease
  9. Two large folds of tissue extending from the mons pubis to the perineal floor; lip
    Labia majora
  10. Smaller fold of tissue covered by the labia majora; lip
    Labia minora
  11. asepsis-A group of techniques that inhibit the growth and spread of pathogenic microorganism.Sometimes referred to as clean technique
    Medical asepsis
  12. Care of the oral cavity (mouth)
    Oral hygiene
  13. Capable of causing disease
  14. Care given to the genitalia
    Perineal care
  15. Self care measures that people use to maintain their health
    Personal hygiene
  16. Lying face down on the abdomen
  17. ROM)-Normal movement that any given joint is capable of making. Any body actioninvolving the muscles, joints, and natural directional movements
    Range of motion (ROM)
  18. Lying on the left side with the right knee and thigh drawn upward toward the chest; thechest and abdomen are allowed to fall forward
    Simʼs position
  19. A transient loss of consciousness due to inadequate blood flow to the brain (fainting)
  20. Point on the abdomen at which the umbilical cord joined the fetus. In most adults it is markedby a depression
  21. The sensation that the outer world is revolving about oneself or that one is moving in space
  22. Overview:
    • Hygiene: (the science of health) Includes care of not only the skin but also the hair, the hands, thefeet, the eyes, the ears, the nose, the mouth, the back, and the perineum
    • Personal Hygiene: The self care measures people use to maintain their health
    • Your own conscientious practice of personal hygiene is essential (box 18-3)
    • Nurses are role models and teach by example
    • Hygienic practices promote medical asepsis (clean technique)
  23. Factors that Influence a Patientʼs Personal Hygiene (box 18-1):
    • Social practices
    • Body Image
    • Socioeconomic status
    • Knowledge
    • Personal preference
    • Physical condition
    • Cultural variables
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chapter 18
fundamentals of nursing