chem chp. 13

  1. chemical equilibrium
    • the state in which the reactants and products maintain a constant concentration over time
    • rxn must be able to be forward and reverse
    • achieved when the rates of the forward rxn = the rate of the reverse
  2. is chemical equilibrium a static or dynamic process?
    • dynamic
    • meaning the rxn never stops, the reverse and forward rxns continue at a constant rate
    • rxn looks like it stops, but really it keeps going
  3. when does a rxn "lie far to the left"?
    when the reactant concentrations are much higher than the product concentrations at equilibium
  4. when does a rxn "lie far to the right"?
    when the product concentrations are much higher than the reactant concentrations at equilibrium
  5. Law of Mass Action
    for the rxn: jA + kB --- mC + nD
    K = [C]m [D]n / [A]j [B]k
  6. What is 'K'?
    equilibrium constant
  7. what is the equilibrium constant of the additio of two equations?
    to find equilibrium of the final equation you multiply their equilibrium constants
  8. what happens to the equilibrium constant when the concentrations of individual species in the rxn vary?
    • the equilibrium constant will always be the same at a consistent temperature
    • long as the overall ratio between species is correct the system is at equilibrium
  9. how do you calculate K for a rearranged equation?
    • reversed rxn: take the inverse of K
    • multiply a rxn by a constant: raise K to that power
  10. Do concentrations of liquids and solids appear in equilibrium expression?
    No, their concentrations are determined by their density
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chem chp. 13
march 22, 2011