vocab 02.22.10

  1. abrupt
    2 definitions
    2 ant
    • adj
    • 1. broken off; lacking in continuity; steep
    • ant: sloping
    • 2. sudden; quick and unexpected
    • ant: leisurely; deliberate
  2. corrupt
    • adj
    • changed ("broken to pieces") from good to bad; vicious
  3. corrupt
    • verb
    • changed ("broken to pieces") from good to bad; debase; prevert; falsify
  4. disrupt
    • verb
    • break apart; cause disorder
  5. erupt
    • verb
    • burst or break out
  6. incorruptible
    • adj
    • inflexibly honest, incapable of being corrupted or bribed
  7. interrupt
    • verb
    • break into or between; hinder; stop
  8. rupture
    2 definitions
    • noun
    • 1. break; breaking
    • 2. hostility
  9. bactericide
    • noun
    • substance that kills bacteria
  10. biocide
    • noun
    • substance that destroys living microorganisms
  11. fratricide
    • noun
    • act of killing (or killer of) one's brother
  12. fungicide
    • noun
    • substance that kills fungi or inhibits their growth
  13. genocide
    • noun
    • deliberate extermination of a racial or cultural group
  14. germicide
    • noun
    • substance that kills germs
  15. herbicide
    • noun
    • substance that kills plants
  16. homicide
    • noun
    • killing of one human by another
  17. infanticide
    • noun
    • act of killing (or killer of) an infant
  18. insecticide
    • noun
    • substance that kills insects
  19. matricide
    • noun
    • act of killing (or killer of) one's mother
  20. patricide
    • noun
    • act of killing (or killer of) one's father
  21. pesticide
    • noun
    • substance that kills rats, insects, bacteria, etc.
  22. regicide
    • noun
    • act of killing (or killer of) a king
  23. sororicide
    • noun
    • act of killing (or killer of) one's sister
  24. sucide
    • noun
    • act of killing (or killer of) one's self
  25. tyrannicide
    • noun
    • act of killing (or killer of) a tyrant
  26. astringent
    2 definitions
    • adj
    • 1. drawing (the tissues) tightly together
    • 2. stern; austere
  27. astringent
    • noun
    • substance that shrinks tissues and checks flow of blood by drawing together blood vessels
  28. boa constrictor
    • noun
    • snake that "constricts" or crushes its prey in its coils
  29. constrict
    • verb
    • draw together; render narrower; shrink
    • ant: expand
  30. restrict
    • verb
    • keep within limits (literally, "keep back"); confine
  31. stricture
    • noun
    • adverse criticism (literally, "tightening"); censure
  32. stringent
    • adj
    • strict (literally "binding tight"); rigid; severe
  33. unrestricted
    2 definitions
    • adj
    • 1. not confined within bounds; free
    • 2. open to all
Card Set
vocab 02.22.10
rupt cide string