National Security-online

  1. What are the importances of Global Navigation?
    • - Use
    • - Power
    • - High Seas
    • - Oil/gas
    • - Fiber
    • - Shipping
  2. What are the importances of Global Navigation?

    It is the most use for ocean space
  3. Power projection
    The Navy needs to be able to project power on the seas Exercises.
  4. Military Exercises
    This power projection is maintained by military exercises on the high seas.
  5. Power Projection
    The US Navy is the only state that can project power globally.
  6. What happens when there is a crisis?
    When a crisis occurs, decision-makers want to know where is the nearest battlegroup.
  7. Nuclear Subs
    Enemies know we have nuke subs on patrol all year long (this is a potential deterrent)
  8. Supertankers (SLC) [Super tankers in SLC]
    • Suez canal.
    • Creation.
    • Louisiana offshore Oilport.
  9. Supertankers (SLC) [Super tankers in SLC]

    Suez Canal
    In 1956/57, the suez canal was closed, thus it shut off the way to get oil to EU.
  10. Supertankers (SLC) [Super tankers in SLC]

    Louisiana offshore Oilport
    (LOO). Can handle supertankers then offload the oil into the pipelines.
  11. Supertankers (SLC) [Super tankers in SLC]
    Supertankers were created in response to the suez canal closing in 1956/57.
  12. Container ships (IBS) [Container ships give me IBS]
    intermodal capability.

    Bar codes.

  13. Container ships (IBS) [Container ships give me IBS]

    intermodal capability.
    Developed intermodal capability to take something from a trip then transfer to a truck to its destination.
  14. Container ships (IBS) [Container ships give me IBS]

    Bar codes
  15. Each container is bar coded and tracked.
  16. Container ships (IBS) [Container ships give me IBS]

  17. They are smaller than supertankers.
  18. Flag State Jurisdiction
    (Art 90-97)

    land locked.


  19. Flag State Jurisdiction(Art 90-97)(LaDR)

    land locked. Register. Docs.
    Every state (land locked included) has the right to register and flag vessels on high seas.
  20. Flag State Jurisdiction(Art 90-97)(LaDR)

    land locked. Register. Docs.
    Must register all vessels (every vessel must register under 1 state)
  21. Flag State Jurisdiction(Art 90-97)(LaDR)

    land locked. Register. Docs.
    Flag state must issue docs to all registered vessels
  22. Stateless Vessels

    Stateless. (MT-Jupiter) More. If registered in more than 1 or 0 states = stateless. Treaty. They are not protected by any treaties Jurisdiction. They are subj to every state's jurisdiction
  23. Stateless Vessels

    More Treaty Jurisdiction
    If registered in more than 1 or 0 states = stateless.
  24. Stateless Vessels

    More Treaty Jurisdiction
    Stateless vessls are not protected by any treaties
  25. Stateless Vessels

    More Treaty Jurisdiction
    Stateless vessels are subj to every state's jurisdiction.
  26. Genuine Link

    • Owner
    • Operate
    • Register
  27. Genuine Link

    Owner Operate Register
    The owner is a national of the state
  28. Genuine Link

    Owner Operate Register
    The operators have some connection to the state
  29. Genuine Link

    Owner Operate Register
    To register a vessel in a state, there must be a genuine link between the vessel and the state
  30. Flag of Convenience
    The flag is registered in the state, merely for convenience.
  31. Flag State Duties (art 94)

    • Register
    • Safety
    • Admin
    • Master
    • Seaworthy
  32. Flag State Duties (art 94)
    Register Safety Admin Master Seaworthy
    The state must maintain a register of all vessels registered.
  33. Flag State Duties (art 94)
    Register Safety Admin Master Seaworthy
    To ensure the safety standards of the vessel
  34. Flag State Duties (art 94)Register Safety Admin Master Seaworthy
    To ensure that administrative matters are taken care of (comms, labor, equip, navigation, etc. are up to speed)
  35. Flag State Duties (art 94)
    Register Safety Admin Master Seaworthy
    The master has to have certain qualifications.
  36. Flag State Duties (art 94)
    Register Safety Admin Master Seaworthy
    To ensure that the vessel is seaworthy.
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National Security-online
studying for natl security