History common assessment

  1. This was a cause of political revolutions
    ideas and values of the enlightenment
  2. This was an effect of the French
    Revolutions in Europe
  3. This group of people would probably
    start a revolution.
    Students and lower class
  4. This was a common result of political
    different form of government
  5. This is how revolutions in Latin
    America/America were different from European Revolutions.
    American and Latin America were trying to gain independence from foreign power
  6. This social class gained more power as
    a result of political revolutions.
    Middle Class
  7. This was a cause of the Industrial
    New inventions of farm machinary, increase in population
  8. This is an example of how the
    Industrial Revolution affected society.
    Standard in living increased
  9. This group of people suffered the most
    due to the Industrial Revolution.
    Working class
  10. This is where most people migrated to
    during the Industrial Revolution.
  11. This is why population rapidly grew
    during the Industrial Revolution.
    Medical advanced, improvements in global transportations, improved food porduction
  12. These were the goals of the labor
    Banning child labor, increase wages, worker safety
  13. This was a result of Imperialism.
    Europen powers increased their sphere of influence
  14. These are examples of imperialism.
    Europeans claimed territories, Christian missionaries spread religous beliefs, the Berlin conference
  15. These are the motives that encourage
    Finding new markets for exporting, spreading Christianity, gaining new territories
  16. These are negative effects of
    imperialism on a country that is being colonized.
    Resources being taken away, enequal trade treaties, loss of culture
  17. These are social reforms meant to help
    the working and middle classes.
    Women's suffrage, factory acts, unions
  18. Nationalism.
    A feeling of pride or devotion towards one's country
  19. description of Socialism.
    Encouraged the creation of Utopias
  20. description of Communism.
    Karl Marx, classless society
  21. description of Communism.
    Less government interference in free market, mixed aconomy were government regulated industry
  22. Imperialism
    The domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country.
  23. Nationalism
    To have pride or devotion to one's country
  24. Socialism
    system in which the people as a whole rather than private individuals own all property and operate all businesses.
  25. Communism
    • form of socailism
    • Karl Marx
    • class struggle was inevitable and would lead to the creation of a classless society in which all wealth and property would be owned by the community as a whole
  26. Capitalism
    economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and opercated for profit
  27. Suffrage
    right to vote
  28. labor unions
    workers' organization
  29. Upper, Middle, Lower class
    • Upper: factory owners and families
    • Middle: servents, peasents
    • Lower: workers
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History common assessment