individual who first introduced an infectious agent to population
index case
toxic waste products released by living bacteria
organism capable of cauing disease
ordinarily nonharmful bacterium that causes disease only under unusual circumstances
opportunistic pathogen
organisms that live inside our bodies without ordinarily causing disease
normal flora
toxic products released when bacteria die and decompose
disease causing organism seen only with electron microscope
ordinarily nonharmful bacterium that causes disease only under unusual circumstances
opportunistic pathogen
method of differentiating types of bacteria according to their reaction to a chemical stain process
gram stain
microscopic single celled organism, prokaryotes. reproduce independently but require a host
smaller than bacteria aka: obligate intracellular parasites, grow and reproduce within host cell
particles of protein, folded in such a way that protease enzymes cannot act on them. cause of mad cow disease, aka slow virus
enzymes that beak down protein
yeast, molds, mushrooms are
single celled parasitic organism with flexible membranes and the ability to move
parasite that is 1 - 10 mm long and lives in the distal colon
parasite that attaches to the host's instestinal lining
disease resulting from an infestation of Trichinella spralis. from eating raw uncooked pork
4 routes of infection
bloodborne, fecal oral route, airborne, sexual
the risk of infection is considered theoretical if
transmission is acknowledged to be possible but has not actually been reported
the risk of infection is considered measurable if
factors in the infectious agent's transmission and their associated and their associated risks have been identified or deduced from reported data
capable of being trasmitted to anther host
presence of an agent only on the surface of the host without penetrating ti
diseases transmitted by oral fecal routs
- hepatitis A
- food poisoning
diseases that are opportunistic
presence of an agent within the host, without necessarily causing disease
an organism's strength or ability to infect overcome the body's defenses
host's ability to fight infection
factors affecting disease transmission 5
- –Mode of entry
- –Virulence
- –Number of organisms transmitted
- –Host resistance
- –Other host factors
Phases of the Infectious Process 4
- –Latent period
- –Communicable period
- –Incubation period
- Seroconversion and the window phase
- –Disease period
time when a host cannot transmit an infectious agent to someone else
latent period
time when a host can transmit an infectious agent to some else
communicable period
time between a host's exposure to infectious agent and the appearance of symptoms
incubation period
surface protein on most viruses and bacteria that identifies them as self or nonself
protein that is produced in response to and that attacks a disease antigen
creation of antibodies after exposure to a disease
time between exposure to a disease and seroconversion. may test negative when is infected
window phase
duration from the onset of signs and symptoms of disease until the resolution of symptoms or death
disease period
Barriers to Entry of infection or disease
- –Intact skin
- Respiratory system
the various cells involved in the immune response are sometimes called this___. which identifies foreign materials
Includes antigens of most bacteria and viruses
An inflammatory response triggers mechanisms designed to remove foreign material
RES, reticuloendothelial system
white blood cells are also called ______ which consist of ____and ________
- leukocytes
- neutrophils and macrophages
most common phagocytic white blood cell
process in which certain white blood cells ingest ivaders
generalized, temporary defense against a particular foreign invader is ______ which generates various forms of ___ that react against specific antigens
- cell-mediated immunity
- T lymphocytes
specialized, permanent defense against a particular foreign antigen is _______ which results from the action of antibodies form from mature ____
- humoral immunity
- B lymphocytes
particular antigen is remembered
B lymphocytes, humoral immunity
5 classes of human antibodies
- IgG - remembers an antigen, crosses placental barrier
- IgM - formed early in immune response
- IgA - the main immunoglobulin in exocrine secretions (milk, respiratory, saliva,and tears
- IgD - present on the surface of B lymphocytes, acts as an antigen receptor
- IgE - attaches to mast cells in respiratory and intestinal tracts. play major role in allergic reactions. those with allergies have increased levels of this immunoglobin
body's formation of antibodies against itself
structures of the lymphatic system
Spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, and ducts
antibodies aka: protect against most infectious agents to which body is repeatedly exposed
newborn's protection against disease that results from the mother's transferring some of her antibodies to the fetus
passive immunity
protection against disease developed after birth as a result of a direct exposure to the disease
active immunity
the assay or laboratory measure of the amount of antibodies against a particular antigen
the measure of a particular vaccine's effectiveness is reported as the antibody _________-
Four phases of infection control in prehospital care
- –Preparation for response
- –Response
- –Patient contact
- –Recovery
to destroy certain forms of microorganisms but not all.
- to destroy or remove pathogens
- to destroy all microorganisms
federal law that outlines the rights and responsibilitis of agencies and health care workers when an infectious disease exposure occures
Ryan White Act
inflammation of the liver with diffuse patchy tissue necrosis
–Transmitted by fecal-oral route
–Typically is mild; many patients are asymptomatic
–Rarely serious and lasts 2–6 weeks
- Hepatitis A
- Infectious or Viral Hepatitis) (HVA)
–Virus is transmitted through direct contact with infected blood, semen, vaginal fluids, or saliva
–Risk is significantly higher for EMS providers
5–35% of all needlesticks result in infection
–Vaccination is available and recommended for all EMS workers
–60–80% of infected individuals are asymptomatic
Serum Hepatitis) (HBV
Hepatitis B
–Primarily transmitted by IV drug abuse and sexual contact
–Chronic infection that can cause active disease years later
–May cause cirrhosis and end-stage liver disease
Hepatitis C
Exists only concurrently with HBV
Hepatitis D
–Similar to HVA but primarily associated with contaminated drinking water
Hepatitis E
–Newly identified virus
–Patients who received blood transfusions who developed post-transfusion hepatitis which could not be identified
–People with hepatitis A, B, or C can be co- or super- infected with hepatitis G
Hepatitis G
–Most common preventable infectious disease
Most commonly transmitted through airborne respiratory droplets
Development of disease normally occurs 6–12 months after infection
Alveolar macrophages attack bacteria and attempt to “wall them off” (forming granulomas
–Chills, fever, fatigue, chronic cough, weight loss
–Night sweats
acute infection of lungs including alveolar space and interstitial tissue
–Viral respiratory illness that first appeared in southern China in 2002 and became a global threat in 2003
8,098 people worldwide were affected
774 died
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Flexion of the neck causes flexion of the hips and knees associated associated with menningitis
–Brudzinski’s Sign
inability to fully extend the knees with hips flexed associated with menningitis
Kernig's sign
–Perform post-exposure prophylaxis within 24 hours
Rifampin, ciprofloxacin (Cipro), or ceftriaxone (Rocephin)
acute viral disease characterized by painful enlargement of the salivary glands
–Viral Infection
Transmitted by airborne droplets and direct contact with saliva of infected patient
Occurs primarily in 5- to 15-year-old patients
Painful enlargement of salivary glands
Symptoms of cold with earache, difficulty chewing and swallowing
highly contagious acut viral disease chacterized by a reddish rash that appears on the fourth or fifth day of illness
–Viral Infection
Highly communicable, with life-long immunity after disease
Transmitted by airborne droplets and direct contact
Presents similar to severe cold with fever, conjunctivitis, photophobia, cough, and congestion
–Systemic Viral Infection
Sore throat, low-grade fever, and fine pink rash
–Viral Infection
Common cause of pneumonias and bronchiolitis
Commonly associated with lower respiratory infections during the winter
–SymptomsRunny nose and congestion, followed by wheezing, tachypnea, and signs of respiratory distress
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
severe violent cough, aka pertussis
–Bacterial Infection
Catarrhal, paroxysmal, and convalescent phases
whooping cough
–Viral Infection
Caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
Transmitted through oropharyngeal contact
Fatigue, followed by fever, severe sore throat, oral discharges, and enlarged, tender lymph nodes
–Viral Infection
Transmitted in saliva and commonly infects the oropharynx, face, lips, skin, fingers, and toes
Fluid-filled vesicles that develop into cold sores or fever blisters, then small ulcerations
Fever, malaise, and dehydration may occur also.
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1
–Infection of the Pharynx and Tonsils
Sudden onset of sore throat and fever, with swelling of the palate, tonsils, and lymph nodes
Common in 5- to 11-year-old patients
–Viral Infection Carried by Rodents
Fatigue, fever, aches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain
Severe myocardial depression
–Infection of the Brain
Typically viral in nature
Commonly co-exists with meningitis
–Clinical PresentationDecreased level of consciousness, fever, headache, drowsiness, coma, tremors, and stiff neck/back
–Bacterial Infection of the CNS
Infection often occurs in minor wounds and burns
Rigidity of muscles occurs close to infection site
Generalized symptoms include pain and stiffness in the jaw, muscle spasms, and respiratory arrest
–Inflammatory Disorder
Caused by a tick-borne spirochete
–Stages of Disease
Early localized
“Bull’s eye” rash
Early disseminated
Spirochete spreads to the skin, nervous system, heart, and joints
LateEncephalopathy with cognitive deficits, depression, and sleep disorders
Lyme Disease
–Gram-Negative Bacterial Infection
Transmitted by direct sexual contact with infected partner
–Bloodborne Infection
Caused by spirochete
Transmitted by sexual intercourse or direct contact with a lesion
–Viral Infection
Highly contagious
Transmitted by contact
Cauliflower-like, fleshy growths on the penis, anus, labial surfaces, and anal mucosa
Genital Warts
–Viral Infection
Transmitted by sexual contact
Vesicular lesions on penis, anus, rectum, mouth, vulva, buttocks, legs, and perineum
Lesions that heal but occur throughout the patient’s lifetime
Herpes Simplex Type 2
–Parasitic Infection
Transmitted by sexual activity and hand-to-hand contact of eye secretions
Similar to gonorrhea
May cause blindness, sterility
–Protozoan Parasite Infection
Transmitted by sexual contact
Males usually asymptomatic carriers
Vaginal discharge, irritation of the perineum and thighs, and dysuria Often concurrent with gonorrhea
–Highly Contagious Bacterial Ulcer
Transmitted by direct sexual contact
–CharacteristicsPainful, inflamed pustule or ulcer that may appear on the penis, anus, urethra, or vulva
–Bacterial Infection
Highly contagious
Spread by direct contact
Caused by staphylococci or streptococci
–Lesions most commonly occur on the extremities and joints
–Standard precautions
–Parasitic Infestation
Commonly occurs on the scalp, trunk, or pubic areas
–Repeated infestations may cause an allergic response Treatment
–Mite Infestation
Characterized by intense itching
–Remove and decontaminate any clothing that may have contacted the patient
aquired while in hospital
Often include antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections:
Vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE)
Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSE)
Nosocomial Infections