History 2

  1. 16th Amendment
    Progressive federal income tax (more than 3K)
  2. 17th Amendment
    Direct election od senators
  3. 18th amendment
  4. 19th amendment
    women’s sufferage
  5. Recall
    • State
    • Remove on elected official through
  6. Initiative
    • State
    • Voter ability to propose legislation
  7. Referendum
    • State
    • Reconsideration of existing legislation
  8. Upton Sinclair
    • Writes “The Jungle”
    • Meat – packing industry
    • FDA forms in response
  9. Alice Paul
    • Pushing women suffer age leads
    • National Women’s Party
    • 19th amendment passed/ratified
    • Uses aggressive taches to pass legislation (protect/hungers strikers)
  10. Muckrakers
    • Investigative reporters
    • Seeking areas needing reform
    • Urban – focused
  11. Keating Owen Act
    • Creates child-labor laws
    • Minimum working age
  12. Adamson Act
    8hr work day for RR
  13. Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    • Workman’s compensation
    • Workplace safety
  14. Square Deal/Bull MooseParty (3rd Party 1912 election)
    • T. Roosevelt campaign slogan
    • Promises equal access for all Americans to economic system
  15. New Freedom
    • W. Wilson campaign slogan
    • Focuses on trust busting
    • Will allow increased business/investing
  16. NAACP
    • W.E.B. DuBois
    • Legal organization
    • White dominated/led
    • Middle class
  17. Social Gospel
    • 1. Counters ideology of gospel of wealth
    • a. Man ha obligation to assist poor through relief/public programs
    • 2. Multi-denominational
  18. Dual Alliance
    • Germany & Austria-Hungary
    • Neutrality unless Russia attack
  19. Triple Entente
    • France
    • UK
    • Russia
    • Italy
  20. Triple Alliance
    • Germany
    • Austria - Hungary
  21. Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    • Franz Ferdinand
    • Hackduke
    • King in waiting
    • Associated by black Hand (Serbia)
    • Pushes A-H to issue Serbia Ultimatum
  22. Serbian Ultimatum
    Blank check
  23. Schlieffen Plan
    • Germany’s plan for 2 front war
    • a. Easter Front
    • b. West Front
    • c. Executed
  24. Trench Warfare
    • Stalemated war afforded
    • Series of trenches stretching north to south through Europe
    • Primarily in France
  25. Zimmerman Telegram
    • Germany to Mexico
    • Unrestricted sub war face will resume
    • Keep America out of war
    • Keep America out of war through Mexican invasio
    • Leads to U.S. entry into WWI
  26. Alfred Sloan
    • GM cars
    • New Model concepts
    • Anto loans
  27. Xenophobia
    • Fear of immigrants
    • Bringing new political ideologies, non Christian religious
    • Competition for jobs & resources
    • Will attempt to limit immigration/inclusion
  28. National Origins Act of 1924
    • Establish a quote system for immigration
    • 2% of an immigrant groups population 1890 allowed in
    • no Asians
  29. Marcus Garvey
    • Black Moses
    • UNIA
    • Promote colonization
    • Raise funds & live country
    • Jailed from
  30. Teapot Dome Scandal
    • Members of Hardin’s administration leasing national lands for oi/ gas drilling
    • Conception leads to Harding’s death
    • Calvin Coolidge assumes control of administration turns economy over to big business w/responsibility
  31. Hoovervilles
    • Shanty towns formed by America’s homeless
    • Hoover blamed for lack of governmental response
  32. Reconstruction finance Corporation
    • Hoover’s attempt to minimize impact of Great Depression
    • Private credit pool to be created big big business
    • Asks for 500m/receives 55m
    • Shows Hoovers inability to grass severy/causes of G.D.
  33. First 100 Days
    • Historically tenor of presidency set inside first 100 days
    • DFR news set new deals programs
  34. Dust Bowl
    • Metrological phenomenon that dries out south/west heading to collapse of farming industry
    • Increase the number of unemployed forcing PDR to address multiple aspects of the G.D.
  35. CCC (civil conservation corp.)
    • Roosevelt’s Tree Army
    • Jobs creation program
    • Emphasis on conservation
    • Residential program
    • Men (18-24)
    • Non- deficit program
  36. WPA
    • Jobs creation program
    • Most expensive
    • Emphasis on arts, culture, conversation, construction…
    • Open to all genders, races, ages
    • Defre it program
  37. Huey Long
    • LA
    • Share Our Wealth
    • 100% tax on incomes over $1M
    • Guarantee pensions at retirement
  38. Francis Townshend
    • Mandatory retirement at 60
    • Create more (Issuer paying) jobs
    • Gov. pensions to support retired
  39. Court Packing
    • FDR’s attempt to validate New deal Legislation
    • Expands court size
    • Mandatory retirement at 70
    • New Justice for every non-retiring justice
    • Will be the civil rights court
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History 2
Exam 2