Evolution 1

  1. Carlous Linnaeus
    • -species do not change
    • -eighteenth century
    • -father of biological nomenclature
    • -systema naturae- 1735
    • -much like aristotle
  2. Nicholas Steno
    • -father of paleontology
    • -1666
    • -proposed older rock layers and maybe old fossiles relate
    • -shark teeth similar to "tounge stones"- fossiles in rock layers
  3. Aristotle
    • -384-322 BC
    • -how a species is, will how it always will be
    • -"great chain of being" scala naturae
  4. Jean-Baptiste Lamark
    • -1744-1829
    • -species change over time
    • -inheritance of aquired characteristics
    • -mechanism: (giraffs)
    • 1. passed on what they aquired
    • 2. desire for something
  5. Count Buffon
    • -44-volume catalog of all known plants and animals
    • -suggested species change over time
    • -different parts of world w/ similar environments have different species
    • -climate change faciliated world wide spread of species
    • -common ancestry- similarities between apes and men
  6. George Cuvier
    • -late eighteenth century
    • -founded paleontology- compared the characteristics of living animals with fossils
    • -organisms go extinct
    • -catastrophism: geological featues were formed by catastrophic events and caused fossil assemblages
    • ex. great flood= fossiles
  7. Charles Lyell
    • -late 18th century
    • -uniformitarianism
    • -geological features of the earth are due to slow-moving forces over a long time
    • -earth is subject to slow and continuous cycles of erosion and uplift
    • -processes happening now have been going on for a long time
  8. Malthus
    • -late 18th century
    • -principle of population growth (grows exponentially if no checks)
    • -struggle for existance
    • -since food supply cant keep up with population- must have checks
    • ex. famine, disease, famine
  9. Darwin
    • -Lyells principles of uniformitarianism (sedimentation)
    • -fossiles shared features with present animals
    • -animals change over time
    • -Biogeography- the study of the geographic distribution of organisms
    • -similar species in similar habitats (ecological eqivalents)
    • -species could change over time to suit enviornments
    • Thesis
    • 1. Descent with modification- all species related and from common ancestor
    • 2. Natural Selection
    • a. Organisms have heritable variation
    • b. oganisms struggle to survive (population bigger than what environment can handle)
    • c. organisms differ in fitness (reproductive success of an individual, advantageous trait)
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Evolution 1
Names of people