Functions of the Urinary System
- Excrete waste products from the body's fluids
- Eliminate waste products from the body into the environment
- Regulate the volume and pH of blood plasma
- Regulate erythrocyte production
- Regulates body's nutrient and electrolyte levels
- Help the liver detoxify poisons
Functions of the Kidneys
- Filters blood plasma by returning useful chemicals to blood and eliminating waste
- Regulates blood volume/pressure by eliminating or conserving water
- Regulates osmolarity of blood by controlling amount of solutes eliminated
- Secretes renin (hormone), which also controls blood pressure and electrolytes
- Secretes erythropoietin to stimulate red blood cell production
- Regulates CO2 concentration and pH of blood
- Synthesize calcitriol to regulate calcium concentrations
- Can synthesize glucose from amino acids in extreme starvation
Any substance that is useless to the body or present in excess of the body's needs
Metabolic Waste
Waste produced by the body
Respiratory System Excretion
Removes CO2 and other gases
Integumentary System Excretion
Removes water, inorganic salts, lactic acid, urea in sweat
Digestive System Excretion
Removes water, salts, CO2, lipids, bile pigments, cholesterol, food residue
Urinary System Excretion
Removes many metabolic wastes, toxins, drugs, hormones, salts, H+, water
Nitrogenous Waste
One of the vital roles of kidneys is to excrete nitrogenous waste
Formed from ammonia when proteins are broken down
Produced when creatine phosphate is broken down
Uric Acid
Produced when RNA is recycled
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
Measure of nitrogenous waste levels in blood
Syndrome of diarrhea, vomiting, dyspnea, and cardiac arrhythmia from toxicity of nitrogenous waste
Fibrous Capsule
Layer of collagen covering outer surface of kidneys; provides protection from trauma and infection
Perirenal Fat Capsule
Thick layer of adipose tissue surrounding the fibrous capsule; cushions kidneys
Renal Fascia
Fibrous outer layer that anchors kidney to abdominal wall
Structure of Kidney
- Lateral surface receives renal nerves, blood vessels, and ureter (at hilum)
- Renal Sinus: Area around hilum that contains blood and urine-collecting structures
Renal Medulla
- Renal Columns: extensions of cortex between the pyramids
- Renal Pyramids: 6-10 per kidney
Lobe of Kidney
Pyramid plus overlying cortex
Minor Calyx
Cup at the papilla (point) of the pyramid that collects urine
Major Calyx
Convergence of several minor calyces
Renal Pelvis
Convergence of several major calyces
Continuation of renal pelvis down to urinary bladder
Blood Supply
Kidneys receive 20-25% of cardiac output
- Afferent arterioles branch off of interlobular arteries, and each one supplies one nephron
- Nephrons carry out all of the filtering/regulation functions of the kidney
- 1.2 million in each kidney
- Afferent arterioles become ball of capillaries (glomerulus)
- Blood drained from glomerulus by efferent arterioles
- Efferent arterioles lead to peritubular capillaries (cortex) or vasa recta (medulla)
Renal Plexus
Nerves wrapped around renal artery that go to blood vessels and tubules of nephron
Sympathetic Innervation of Kidney
- Reduces glomerular blood flow and rate of urine production
- Stimulates kidneys to secrete renin, which stimulates water and salt reabsorption at nephron
Parasympathetic Innervation of Kidney
- From vagus nerve
- Increases rate of urine production
Nephron Structure
- Renal Corpuscle: consists of glomerulus and glomerular (Bowman's) capsule; filters blood plasma
- Renal Tubule: long coiled tube that converts filtrate into urine
Renal Corpuscle
- Perietal (outer) layer is epithelium
- Visceral (inner) layer consists of podocytes that wrap around capillaries of glomerulus
- Capsular space separates the two layers, site of glomerular filtrate collection
Proximal Convoluted Tubule
- Connected to corpuscle
- Longest, most coiled region
- Microvilli for absorption
Loop of Henle or Nephron Loop
- U-Shaped portion with descending and ascending limb
- Thick segments: active transport of salts
- Thin segments: permeable to water
Distal Convoluted Tubule
- The end of the nephron
- Shorter and less coiled than PCT
Collecting Duct
- Receives fluid from several nephrons and takes it to medulla
- Many converge at tip of medullary pyramid in papillary duct
Cortical Nephrons
- Most nephrons
- Short loops, almost entirely within cortex
- Peritubular capillaries around PCT and DCT
Juxtamedullary Nephrons
- Long nephron loops into medulla
- Vasa recta around loop of Henle
Urine Formation
Glomerular Filtration, Tubular Reabsorption and Tubular Secretion, and Water Conservation
Glomerular Filtrate
- Fluid in capsular space
- Blood plasma without protein
Tubular Fluid
- Fluid in renal tubule
- Similar to glomerular filtrate, but some substances added/removed
- Fluid after it enters collecting duct
- Tubular fluid with water content changes
Glomerular Structure
- Glomerular capillaries are fenestrated (filtration pores)
- Substances leaving the blood in glomeruli must pass through filtration slits between podocyte "feet"
Glomerular Filtration
- Filtration pores allow everything but blood cells through
- Basement membrane is negatively charged gel that repels anions and large molecules
- Filtration slits also negatively charged to repel anions
Filtered Molecules
- All small molecules (<3 nm) can pass through: water, electrolytes, glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, nitrogenous wastes, vitamins
- Some small substances prevented from crossing membrane because they are bound to protein: calcium, iron, thyroid hormone
- Kidney infection, trauma, strenuous exercise can damage filtration membrane
- Proteinuria: protein in urine
- Hematuria: blood cells in the urine
Glomerular Filtration Rate
- GFR: the amount of filtrate formed per minute by the 2 kidneys combined
- 105-125 ml/min (150-180 L/day)
- Eliminating 1-2 L of urine per day, so 99% of filtrate is reabsorbed
- If GFR is too high, fluid flows through renal tubules too quickly for proper reabsorption
- Urine output rises, dehydration, electrolyte depletion
- If GFR is too low, wastes are reabsorbed
- GFR regulated by adjusting glomerular blood pressure
Renal Autoregulation
Nephrons control blood flow themselves (local control)
Myogenic Mechanisms
Smoot muscles in afferent arterioles passively stretch and contract to maintain stable flow of blood to glomerulus
Tubuloglomerular Feedback
- Glomerulus gets feedback about tubular fluid composition and adjusts filtration
- Uses juxtaglomerular apparatus
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus
Structure at the end of the nephron loop that contacts afferent and efferent arterioles
Macula Densa
- Patch of epithelial cells at the end of the loop of Henle
- Senses variations in flow of fluid composition and secretes chemical that stimulates juxtaglomerular cells
Juxtaglomerular Cells
- Smooth muscle cells in the arteriole across from macula densa
- Dilate or constrict arterioles based on signal from macula densa
Mesangial Cells
- Between afferent and efferent arterioles and among capillaries
- Propagate signal from macula densa to glomerulus