Biopsychology Test Sexual Development and Behavior

  1. Y chromosome contains gene..
    • Sex-deteriminging Region of Y (SRY)
    • codes for protein
  2. SRY gene
    • Found in Y chromosome
    • contains coding for protein Testis-determining factor (TDF)
    • or SRY protein...
  3. Primordial gonads
    Groups of cells that both male and females have prior to 6 weeks of fetal develpment
  4. Mullerian ducts or system
    contains fetal cells that develope into female reproductive rogans (uterus vagina fallopian tubes)
  5. Wolffian ducts
    • contain fetal cells that develop into male reproductive organs (seminal vesciles vas deferences)
    • Differentiation occurs in the 3rd prenatal month
  6. Testis-determing factor (TDF)
    under influence of TDF protein their is development of testies. without development of ovaries
  7. Process as testes develop...
    Testosterone.....enzyme....5-alpha reductace....converts to.....dihydrotestosterone......mullerian-inhibiting substnace

    Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone are both needed for external and internal development
  8. Dihydrotestosterone
    • converted from 5-alpha reductase and testostone
    • stimulates wolffian duct. also stimulate growth of penis and scrotum in males
  9. Mulllerian inhibiting substance
    • released from testes: causes withering away of ovarium ducts. stops producution.
    • if deactivated both systems will fully develop
  10. Organizational effect
    occur prenatally fore people with long gesteration periods
  11. activational effects:
    triggers frther development in organism
  12. Primary sex characteristics
    • **organizational development**
    • Physical sex characteristics
  13. Secondary sex characteristics
    • **Activational effects**
    • develop with puberty
    • Female: widening of hips, body fat, etc
    • Male: muscle growth,

    Behavoir development occurs in animals. humans dont simply react to hormones because of our cognitive ability
  14. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis (HPG Axis)
    Starts from Hypothalums...ends in Gonads
  15. Hormones from Hypothalamus
    • Directly releases posterior putuitary horomns
    • --vasopressin
    • --oxytocin

    gonadotropin-releasing hormone
  16. Hormones released by Anterior pituitary
    • Gonadotropin hormones
    • --follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
    • --luteinizing hormone (LH)
  17. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
    • Released by the anterior pituitary
    • part of the gonadotropin hormones
    • initial development of egg and sperm in men and women
  18. luteinzing hormone (LH)
    • Released by the anterior pituitary
    • part of teh gonadotropin hormones
    • increases production of progestrone (pregnancy hormone)

    Extreme function in females...LH peaks and stimulates ovulation
  19. Gonads (3 types of hormones)
    • Androgesn (ie testosterone)
    • Estrogesn (ie estradiol)
    • Gestagens (ie progestorone)

    Present in both males and females
  20. Masculination of the brain
    • Aromatize testosterone into estradiol
    • enzyme is Aromatase
    • Alpha fetoprotein
  21. Alpha fetoprotein
    • aids in masculination of the brain
    • binds to circulating estradiol and prevents entry into brain
  22. Medial Preooptic Area (MPA)
    • 1. Intromition
    • 2. Pelvic thrust
    • 3. Ejaculation

    • Involved in regulation of male sexual behavoir
    • More sensitve and stimulated which leads to Intromition (intercoarse)
    • Higher testosteron stimulates MPA
  23. Gordosis Posture
    Signal willngness and acceptance of the BeEEf
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Biopsychology Test Sexual Development and Behavior
Biopsychology Test Sexual Development and Behavior