Biopsychology Test Sexual Development and Behavior
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Y chromosome contains gene..
Sex-deteriminging Region of Y (SRY)
codes for protein
SRY gene
Found in Y chromosome
contains coding for protein Testis-determining factor (TDF)
or SRY protein...
Primordial gonads
Groups of cells that both male and females have prior to 6 weeks of fetal develpment
Mullerian ducts or system
contains fetal cells that develope into female reproductive rogans (uterus vagina fallopian tubes)
Wolffian ducts
contain fetal cells that develop into male reproductive organs (seminal vesciles vas deferences)
Differentiation occurs in the 3rd prenatal month
Testis-determing factor (TDF)
under influence of TDF protein their is development of testies. without development of ovaries
Process as testes develop...
Testosterone.....enzyme....5-alpha reductace....converts to.....dihydrotestosterone......mullerian-inhibiting substnace
Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone are both needed for external and internal development
converted from 5-alpha reductase and testostone
stimulates wolffian duct. also stimulate growth of penis and scrotum in males
Mulllerian inhibiting substance
released from testes
: causes withering away of ovarium ducts. stops producution.
if deactivated both systems will fully develop
Organizational effect
occur prenatally fore people with long gesteration periods
activational effects:
triggers frther development in organism
Primary sex characteristics
**organizational development**
Physical sex characteristics
Secondary sex characteristics
**Activational effects**
develop with puberty
: widening of hips, body fat, etc
: muscle growth,
Behavoir development occurs in animals. humans dont simply react to hormones because of our cognitive ability
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis (HPG Axis)
Starts from Hypothalums...ends in Gonads
Hormones from Hypothalamus
Directly releases posterior putuitary horomns
gonadotropin-releasing hormone
Hormones released by Anterior pituitary
Gonadotropin hormones
--follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
--luteinizing hormone (LH)
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Released by the anterior pituitary
part of the gonadotropin hormones
initial development of egg and sperm in men and women
luteinzing hormone (LH)
Released by the anterior pituitary
part of teh gonadotropin hormones
increases production of progestrone (pregnancy hormone)
Extreme function in females...LH peaks and stimulates ovulation
Gonads (3 types of hormones)
Androgesn (ie testosterone)
Estrogesn (ie estradiol)
Gestagens (ie progestorone)
Present in both males and females
Masculination of the brain
Aromatize testosterone into estradiol
enzyme is Aromatase
Alpha fetoprotein
Alpha fetoprotein
aids in masculination of the brain
binds to circulating estradiol and prevents entry into brain
Medial Preooptic Area (MPA)
1. Intromition
2. Pelvic thrust
3. Ejaculation
Involved in regulation of male sexual behavoir
More sensitve and stimulated which leads to Intromition (intercoarse)
Higher testosteron stimulates MPA
Gordosis Posture
Signal willngness and acceptance of the BeEEf
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Biopsychology Test Sexual Development and Behavior
Biopsychology Test Sexual Development and Behavior