PHY - CH 14 - Regulation of breathing

  1. The center(s) that contain inspiratory neurons are?
    • Dorsal respiratory group
    • Ventral respiratory group
  2. The center(s) that contain expiratory neurons are?
    Ventral respiratory group
  3. What sends neurons to the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles which help provide the main inspiratory stimulus?
    Dorsal respiratory group
  4. What generates the basic cyclical breathing pattern?
    VRG and DRG
  5. What sends neurons to the diaphragm and internal intercostal muscles for expiration?
  6. The pneumotaxic center and pulmonary stretch receptors control to switch off the what?
    Inspiratory ramp signal
  7. This controls the "switch off" point of the inspiratory ramp, which also controls the inspiratory time.
    Pneumotaxic center
  8. The prolonged inspiratory gasps that is interrupted by occasional expiration is what?
    Apneustic breathing.
  9. If the DRG inspiratory neurons fail to switch off, this causes a prolonged inspiratory gasp which is performed by the what?
    Apneustic center
  10. What is the Hering-Breur inflation reflex?
    It is the reflex where we breath in for a deep inhalation and then the point where we stop inhaling is the Hearing-Breur reflex
  11. What is the Deflation Reflex?
    It is the sudden collapse of the lung stimulates strong inspiratory efforts.
  12. What is the Head-Paradoxic reflex?
    It is where the vagal nerve is cooled down allowing a further inhalation passed the hering-breuer reflex.

    It is also considered the babies first breath.
  13. What causes vagovagal reflex?
    The stimulation by inhaled irritants and mechanical factors.

    caused by endotracheal intubation, airway suctioning, and bronchoscopy.
  14. What is the juxtacapillary receptors?
    It is AKA j-receptors.

    It is the shallow breathing that is caused by Alveolar inflammation, pulmonary vascular congestion and pulmonary edema.
  15. Slapping and splashing cold water on the skin will cause an increase in medullary respiratory center by what receptors?
    Peripheral proprioceptors
  16. This helps adjusts muscles to increase the load of the lungs...
    Muscle spindles
  17. The receptor site responds to the increase in H+ regardless of origin which is located where?
    Peripheral chemoreceptors

    Located in the Carotid artery and Aortic Arch
  18. This is extremely sensitive to CO2 in an indirect fashion which in this site is then stimulated by H+ ions. What receptor is this and where is it located?
    Central Chemoreceptor

    Located in the Medula
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PHY - CH 14 - Regulation of breathing
Regulation of breathing