Quality Assurance (QA)
- Evaluates Personnel (PE)
- Evaluates Mx (QVI)
- Cumulative results=Mx health
- Implements the Mx Standardization and Eval Prog (MSEP)
- Manages the Product Improvement Program (PIP)
QA Managed Progs-- Product Improvement Prog (PIP)
- Configuration Management
- One-Time Ins
- Deficiency Reporting: QDR/PQDR
- Reliability and Maintainability
- Improvement Reporting
- TODO -- guidance = 00-5-1TCTO -- ASSISTS PS&D w/ TCTO Prog.
QA -- FCF/OCF/High Speed Taxi Prog
- T.O. 1-1-300 Acceptance/Functional Check Flight & Mx Ops Checks
- -1 Pilot Checklist
- -6 DCC Ins Chechlist
- Impoundments IAW 21-101
QA Inspector responsibilities
- Evaluate personnel
- DEVELOPS evaluation plan
- Reviews Dull Swords, DRs and service reports
Weight & Balance Prog
- -5
- 1-1B-50
- Chafing Prog AFI 21-101
Hot Refuel Prog - Reviews aborts and In-Flight Emergencies
QA Training
- Develops local training plan to train all QA personnel:Facilitate objective Ins
- Proper Documentation
- Take appropriate actions
- Document QA Inspector training
- Conduct an Evaluator Proficiency Eval.
QA Augmentation
- Recommended by MOO/MX SUPT
- does not warrant full-time position
QA Rotation
- MUST have minimum 6 months in unit/weapons sys
- Maximum 36/24 months min
- 36 months w/ specialized cert. managed progs (i.e. Weight & balance)
- QA personnel on short tours do not nned to meet the time req.
Mx Standardization & Eval Prog (MSEP)
- Asses Mx and provides feedback
- Ensures quality Mx/job proficiency
- Detects negative trends and problem areas
- Includes methods for rating personnel and assessing equip conditions
- Measures how well untis meet or exceed standards
- Tech Order Compliance
- Forms Documentation
- Aircraft and Equip Ins
- Safety, Enviro, and housekeeping
- Training
MSEP -- Key Task List (KTL)
- Complex Tasks, affecting safety of flight
- Review and update at least every TWO years
MSEP -- Routine Ins List (RIL)
- Regular Basis = Ins, repair and servicing
- QA consolidates MOO/MX SUPT inputs and suggested changes and obtains MXG/CC approval
Acceptable Quality Levels (AQL)
- Maximum allowable minor finding that a KTL, RIL, process, or product may be charge for the task to rate "Pass or Fail"
- Discrepancy Cats- Cat I, Cat II
- Sub-Classifications - Minor, Major
- Rating PE/QVIs = Pass or Fail
QA- Personnel Evals (PE)
- Job Proficiency
- Degree of training
- Tech data Compliance
- If PE pass rates are low, then quality indicators will likely suffer too
QA -- Quality Verification Ins (QVI)
- After-The-Fact Mx performed
- Assessment following:
- Ins
- Repair Action
- Documentation
QA -- Types of Evals, Ins, and Observations
- Special Ins (SI)- Vehicles, CTK, Training Forms 623's, TOs, FOD
- Management Ins (MI) - Trend Analysis
- Detected Safety Violations (DSV) - unsafe acts
- Tech Data Violations (TDV) - outdated TO or no TO
- Unsat. Condition Reports (UCR) - unsafe conditions (LOX next to Oil/Hydraulic cart)
Maintenance Standardization & Eval. Meetings
- Conducted Quarterly
- Chaired by MXW/MXG/CC
- Addresses Mx issues and resolves problems
- Provides cross-tell to all Mx activities
Modifications Types
- Permanent Safety -- highest level -- PREVENT INJURY
- Permanent
- Temporary
Reliability and Maintainability Prog
- Collect and report Mx actions
- Review Mx/Supply trends
- Product Improvement Working Group (PIWG)
- Resolve deficiencies/address product improv.
- Prioritize efforts in product improvement
- Improvements
- AFTO IMT 22/IDEA/Air Force Repair and Enhancement Program (AFREP)