quiz #2- infections

  1. What are three types of infections (general)?
    • bacterial
    • viral
    • neurotoxins from microorganisms
  2. What is pyogenic meningitic caused by?
    • a bacterial infection that reaches the meninges through:
    • open head injury
    • sinus/ear infection
    • blood stream
    • abscess
  3. What are the signs and symptoms and diagnostic procedure of pyogenic meningitis?
    • S/S: fever, headache, lethargy, vommiting, confusion, seizures
    • Diag: lumbar puncture, increase in white cell count
  4. What is the prognosis for individuals with pyogenic meningitis?
    • 20% of infants die
    • survivors could be deaf, blind, develop seizures/strokes, or hydrocephalus
  5. What is the cause of encephalitis?
    a viral infection transmitted by mosquitos
  6. What are the symptoms and treament methods for encephalitis?
    • S/S: headache, fever, lethargy, seizures, stiff neck, irritable
    • Treat: supportive
  7. What is the prognosis for patients with encephalitis?
    • depends on virus
    • mortaliity can be 50%
  8. What is the cause of a brain abscess?
    bacterial infection that originates in the ear, heart, lung, site of trauma, or teeth
  9. What are the signs and symptoms and diagnosis process for brain abscess?
    • S/S: headache, fever, nausea, focal signs, papilledema, seizures
    • Diag: brain scan, lumbar puncture, EEG
  10. What is the treatment and prognosis of patients with brain abscess?
    • Treat: antibiotics, drain abcess, steroids
    • Prog: 40% die and remainder have residual deficits
  11. What is the cause of tetanus?
    neurotoxins from Clostridium Tetani entering through a deep puncture wound
  12. What are signs and symptoms for tetanus?
    • fever
    • trismus
    • spasms
  13. What is the treatment and prognosis for patients with tetanus?
    • Treat: clean wound, take anitbiotics, antitoxin, neuromuscular block
    • Prog: 15% die, others fully recover in several weeks
  14. What is the cause of Botulism Toxomia?
    neurotoxin from Clostridium Botulinum from improperly canned food or infected wounds
  15. What are the signs and treatment for botulism toxomia?
    • S/S: double vision, ptosis, descending paresis
    • Treat: ventilator, antitoxin
  16. What is the prognosis for patients with Botulism Toxomia?
    8% die, recovery takes months
  17. What is the cause of Guillain Barre?
    • viral respiratory illness that leads to autoimmune post-infectious neuritis
    • myelin sheaths of perpheral nerves disintergrate
  18. What are signs and symptoms of Guillain Barre?
    • paresthesia
    • ascending paresis
    • respiratory failure
    • nerve conduction velocity slowed
  19. What is the treatment and prognosis of Guillain Barre?
    • Treat: supportive, ventilator, plasmophoresis
    • Prog: recovery takes up to 2 years
  20. What is the cause of Herpes Zoster?
    • virus that causes chicken pox stress, immune suppression, aging
    • shingles
  21. What are the symptoms of Herpes Zoster?
    • fever
    • headache
    • fatigue
    • rash
    • blisters
    • pain in affected dermatome
  22. What is the treatment for Herpes Zoster?
    • antiviral medication
    • pain meds
    • antiinflammatory meds
  23. What is the prognosis for Herpes Zoster?
    • recovery is slow, and may re-occur
    • visual loss is possible
  24. What is the cause of Beye's Syndrome?
    • prior viral illness
    • linked use of aspirin
  25. What are symptoms and treatment for Beye's Syndrome?
    • S/S: nausea, vomiting, lethargy, delirium
    • Treat: supportive, mechanical ventilation
  26. What is the prognosis of people with Beye's Syndrome?
    • 20% if children affected die
    • high risk of neurological consequences
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quiz #2- infections