(book) List S&S of Pesticide Exposure
- Acute poisoning: neuromuscular (h/a, dizziness, confusion, irritability, twitching muscles) and GI
- Chronic exposure: cancers, parkinson's dx, infertility, sterility, liver damage
Differentiate Metro vs Non-metro Population
- Metro: >50,000 at county level
- Non-metro: <50,000 at county level
List 4 Major Problems affecting Urban areas
- Crime
- Drugs
- Education
- Infrastructure
List 4 Major Problems affecting Rural areas
- Drugs
- Unemployment
- Education
- Infrastructure
Discuss Variations in Mortality Rates
- Dramatic dec since 60s
- Dec more in metro
- Women non-metro inc
- Suicide attempt & completion inc non-metro
Discuss Characteristics of Urban Pops
- Income: underemployment, poverty, access to come
- Age and cultural subpop: college students, elderly
- Environment: air quality
- Housing: sick bldg pop
- Health: urban has better outcomes
Discuss Maternal/ Infant Health r/t Rural Pop
- Transportation: no public, bad roads
- Limited OB and hospital services: no physicians, need high volume
- Cultural barriers
Discuss Child Health r/t Rural Pop
- Child labor
- Environmental exposures: pesticides
- Injury
Discuss Mental Health r/t Rural Pop
- Deteriorating social conditions
- Living/ working conditions
- Low mental health service avaliablility
- Cultural barriers: coal mining, agriculture, fishing, forestry
Disucss Environmental/ Occupational Health r/t Rural Pop
- Occupational hazards
- General living/ working conditions
- Recreational hazards: inc rate of drowning, inc MVA
Discuss Chronic Illness r/t Rural Pop
- Lack of health promotion services
- Environmental/ occupational conditions
- Poverty
- Substandard living conditions
- High percentage of elderly
Discuss Lifestyle Behaviors r/t Rural Pop
- Recreational hazards
- Social isolation: inc depression
- Poverty
- Lack of preventive education and services
List Major Issues in Rural Health Care Delivery
- Avaliability
- Accessiblity
- Affordability
- Acceptability
List Federal Initiatives r/t Rural Pop
- Rural Health Clinics
- Migrant health centers
- National Health Service Corps
- Indian Health Service
Discuss Public Health Nursing in Rural & Urban Healthcare: Common Ground
- Community focused
- Community-capacity building