immuno #6.txt

  1. What are the four hallmarks of acute inflammation?
    • 1) Vasodilation
    • 2) Increased permeability
    • 3) Increased adhesion
    • 4) PMN recruitment***
  2. What are the five signs of inflammation? (Prep-L)
    • Pain
    • Redness
    • Edema
    • Pain
    • Loss of function
  3. What are three principal cytokines released in response to inflammation?
    IL-1, IL-6, TNF-alpha
  4. What do the 3 principal cytokines produce? Result?
    • Acute phase proteins: CRP, Haptoglobin, Fibrinogen
    • Result = RBC Sedimentation
  5. Which is the strongest Acute phase protein?
  6. What is the function of CRP?
    • 1) Opsonin
    • 2) activate complement
    • 3) Cytokine release from phagocytes
  7. What are the two cytokines released from Macrophages and their functions?
    • IL-12: NK cell activation
    • IL-8: WBC chemoattractant
  8. What is extravasation?
    Movement of WBC through capillaries to fight infections (caused by vasodilation, permeability and adhesion)
  9. What are two CAMs (Adhesion molecules)? Where?
    • Integrins on WBC
    • Selectins on endothelial cells
  10. What cytokines upregulate the production of E and P selections?
    TNF-alpha and IL-1
  11. What is LAD?
    Leukocyte adhesion deficiency
  12. What is LAD1?
    no IL-18 = no Beta-2 integrins
  13. What is LAD2?
    No IL-15 (sialyl Lewis) = no E and P selectin ligand
  14. During Extravasation, what is on the WBC that is active and causes it to bind to the endothelium?
    Integrins and Selectin ligands
  15. What is a clinical documentation of LAD?
    High WBC count in blood b/c they can't extravasate and leave the capillaries
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immuno #6.txt
immuno #6