Theory II

  1. imperfect formation of enamel hereditary condition in which the ameloblasts fail to lay down the enamel matrix properly or at all
    amelogenesis imperfecta
  2. green plant pigment essential to photosynthesis
  3. producing color or pigment
  4. arranged in order of time
  5. hereditary disorder of dentin formation in which the odontoblasts lay down an abnormal matrix, can occur in both primary and permanent dentitions
    dentogenesis imperfecta
  6. produced within or caused by factors within
  7. originating outside or caused by factors outside
  8. derived from or situated on the outside; external
  9. incomplete development or underdevelopment of an organ or a tissue
  10. situated entirely within
  11. agreement with a set standard of performance; determination of accuracy and consistency between examiners to standaridze procedures and gain reliability of recorded fingings. Examiners who collect dental index data for epidemiological research or community health assessment are trained to measure the index in exactly the same way each time
  12. a multifaceted process of identifying factors that affect the oral health status of a selected population
    community oral health assessment
  13. pieces of information collected using measurements and/or counts
  14. the process of tgathering information (through the use of tools such as dental indices)
    data collection
  15. the study of the relationships of various factors that determine the frequency and distribution of diseases in the human commmunit; study of health and disease in populations
  16. the rate at which a certain event occurs, as the number of new cases of a specific disease occuring during a certain period of time
  17. a graduated, numberic scale with upper and lower limits; scores on the scale correspond to a specific criterion for individuals or populations
  18. describs oral status by expressing clinical observations as numeric values
    dental index
  19. a factor that typically characterizes a disease or health condition; a factor measured and analyzed to describe health status. dental indices described in this chapter measure oral health indicators
  20. a trial run of aplanned study using a small sample to prestest an instrument, survey or questionnaire
    pilot study
  21. an inactive substance or preparation with no intrinsic therapeutic value given to satisfy a pts symolic need for drug therapy; used in controlled research studies in a form identical in appearance to the naterial being tested
  22. the total number of cases of a specific disease or condition in existence in a given population at a certain time
  23. theeth used for epidemiologic studies of periodontal diseases the maxillary right and mandibular left first molars, maxillary left and mandibular right first premoalrs and maxillary left and mandibular right central incisors
    ramfjord index teeth
  24. ability of an index or test procedure to measure consistently at different times and under a variety of conditions; reproducibility; consistency
  25. a portion or subset of an entire population
  26. assessment of many individuals to disclose certain cahracteristics or diseases in a population
  27. brief assessment for initial evaluation and classificaiton of need for additional examination and treatment planning
    individual screening
  28. refers to the state or condition of an individual or population
  29. the ongoing systematic collection, analysis, and interpreation of outcome-specific data for use in planning, implementing and evaluating the effect of public health programs and practices
  30. ability of an index or test procedure to measure what is intended to measure
Card Set
Theory II
chapters 19 and 20 dental stains/discolorations, indices