Bacitracin, Novobiocin and optochin susceptibility test

  1. Bacitracin is a powerful ____ _____, that inhibits bacterial ____ ____ synthesis. Zone of clearing is?
    • peptide antibiotic,
    • cell wall
    • 10 mm or greater around the disk
  2. Bacitracin is only effecive when bacteria have a
    cell wall
  3. Novobiocin is a:
    • antibiotic
    • interferes w/ ATPase activity & the production of ATP
    • 5 microgram disc should produce a zone of clearing 16 mm or more
  4. Optochin
    • antibiotic that interferes w/ ATPase activity & ATP production in susceptible bacteria
    • 6mm disc should produce a zone of inhibition 14 mm or more
  5. bacitracin test is used to differentiate and presumptively identify
    • beta-hemolytic streptococci
    • staphlylococcus
  6. Novobiocin test is used to differntiate
    • coagulase- negative staphylococci
    • presumively identify novobiocin-resistent staphylococcus saprphyticus
  7. Bacitracin test results:
    Zone of clearing 10 mm or greater
    Zone of clearing less thatn 10mm
    • organism is sensitive to bacitracin
    • orgainism is resistnt to bacitracin
  8. Novobiocin test results:
    Zone of clearing 16 mm or greater
    Zone of clearing less than 16mm
    • Organism is sensitive to novobiocin
    • Organism is resistant to novobiocin
  9. Optochin test result:
    Zone of clearing 14mm or greater
    Zone of clearing less than 14mm
    • orgainsm is sensitive to optochin
    • organism is resistant to optochin
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Bacitracin, Novobiocin and optochin susceptibility test
Bacitracin, Novobiocin and optochin susceptibility test