immuno #7.txt

  1. which is longer, acute or chronic inflammation?
  2. What is the difference b/t chronic and acute inflammation when it comes to the hallmark cells?
    • chronic: mononucleated (monocytes, macrophages)
    • Acute: Polymorphonucleated cells (Neutrophils)
  3. What cells participate in Chronic inflammation?
    Mononuclear Cells: Monocytes, Macrophages
  4. What are the functions of the Mononuclear cells?
    • 1) Phagocytose material left by PMNs during acute
    • 2) Release elastase and collagenase
    • 3) Release cytokines for fibroblasts
    • 4) Release angiogenic factors for growth
  5. What is granulomatous inflammation?
    When macrophages lose ability to phagocytose
  6. What causes granulomatous inflammation?
    • Helper T-cells release IFN-gamma
    • IFN-gamma causes Macrophage to become epithelioid cell and eventually a multinucleated giant cell
    • The Larger cell cannot phagocytose
  7. What eventually forms after exposure to granulomatous inflammation?
  8. What is a granuloma?
    Caused by the epithelioid and Multinucleated giant cells that are surrounded by fibroblasts and T-cells
  9. What is the function of the Granuloma?
    Become necrotic in the center and wall of the bacteria
  10. What is one chemical that can decrese inflammation?
  11. What two diseases commonly cause Granulomas?
    • TB
    • Valley Fever
  12. What is the function of the antibody ICAM?
    Inhibit adhesion of fibroblasts
  13. What are the functions of corticosteroids and NSAIDs?
Card Set
immuno #7.txt
immuno #7