Lab tests for bones/joints
- Uric acid
- Calcium
- Phosphorous
- Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
- Total Protein
- Albumin
Lab tests for Cardiac injury
- CK (total)
- Troponin
- Myoglobin
Lab tests to accesss cardiac risk
- Cholesterol
- Triglycerides
- Glucose
- ApoA/ApoB ratio
Lab tests for Liver (hepatic)
- SGGT (gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase)
- Total bilirubin
- Albumin
- PT (prothrombin time)
Renal tests
- Creatinine
- Total protein
- Albumin
- Electrolytes (Na, K, Cl, CO2)
- Glucose
- Urine tests (urinalysis, 24 hour creatinine, 24 hr. protein, Creatinine clearance)
Parathyroid tests
- Calcium
- Phosphorous
- Magnesium
- Total protein
- Albumin
- Creatinine
- Urinary calcium
Thyroid tests
- T4 (thyroxine)
- T3 (triiodothyroinie)
Pancreatic tests
- Amylase
- Lipase
- Glucose
- Calcium
General health screening tests
- Glucose
- BUN/Creatinine
- Cholesterol
- Triglyceride
- Total bilirubin
- LDH (lactate dehydrogenase)
- Calcium
- Sodium
- Potassium
Hypertension tests
- BUN/Creatinine
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Chloride
- CO2
- T4
- Urinary free cortisol
- Urinary VMA/Catecholamines
- Urinalysis/Culture and sensitivity
Acute hepatitis tests
- HBsAg - positive
- HBeAg - positive
- AntiHBs - negative
- AntiHBc (IgM) - positive
- AntiHBe - negative
- AntiHAV (IgM)
Hepatits vaccination
Only Anti-HBs will be positive
Previous infection
- Anti-HBs and Anti-HBc - positive
- All Ag - negative
Chronic hepatitis tests
- HBsAg - Positive
- Anti-HBs - Negative
- HBeAg - Positive indicates high infectivity
- Anti-HBe - Positive indicates low infectivity
- Anti-HBc - IgG
Diabetic panel
- Glucose (FBS)
- 2 hour post prandiol (eating)
- Elecrolytes
- Cholesterol
- Triglycerides
- Glycosylated hemoglobin (hemoglobin A1c)
Collagen and arthritis tests
- C-reactive protein
- RF latex (RA)
- Uric acid
Coagulation tests
- PT
- Platelet count
- Bleeding time
- Fibrinogen
- D-dimer
Malignancy tests
- AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) - liver cancer
- CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen) - colorectal cancer
- pAcP (prostatic acid phosphate)
- b-HCG (beta-human chorionic gonadotropin) - testicular cancer
- Alkaline phosphorous (AP)
Tests for metastasis
- AP
- Total protein
- Albumin
Microcytic hypochromic anemia
- Iron deficiency
- Thalessemia
- Lead Poisoning
- Sideroblastic (too much iron)
Tests to differentiate microcytic (low MCV) hypochromic (low MCH)
- Iron
- Transferrin (Total iron binding capacity)
- Ferritin
Tests to differentiate macrocytic (high MCV)
- B12
- Folic acid
- Schilling test - for pernicious anemia
- Anti-IF antibodies - for pernicious
- Anti-Parietal antibodies - for pernicious
Types of WBCs and when they are elevated
- PMN (neutrophils) - acute bacterial infections
- Lymphocytes - viral infections
- Monocytes - chronic conditions
- Eosinophils - parasites, skin diseases, chronic allergies, asthma
- Basophils - Acute allergies (hypersensitivity type I)
ASO titer
Strep, rheumatic fever, acute post strep glomerulonephritis, erythema nodosum
Heterophile antibody test
Infectious mononucleosis
C-reactive protein
Acute-phase reactant, inflammation, bacterial infection, necrosis, early coronary artery disease
Generalized inflammtion/necrosis
Screening test for antibodies
Western blot
Confirmatory test for antibodies
Screening test for syphilis
Confirmatory tests for syphilis
RF latex
Rheumatoid arthritis
Anti-DNA test
Systemic lupus, more specific than ANA
prostate screening for enlargement and cancer
Tests affected by hemolysis
Potassium, LDH, Phosphorous
Tests indicating critical condition if too high or too low
- Glucose
- Potassium
- Calcium
- Sodium
- Potassium
- CK (only if too high, possible MI or stroke depending on type of CK)
- Bilirubin (infants, only if high)
What tests must you fast before because they are greatly influenced by food?
- Glucose
- Lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides)
- PO4
- Hypercalcemia occurs in primary hyperparathyroidism, malignancy, vitamin D intoxication, metastatic bone tumors
- Hypocalcemia occurs in malnutrition, renal disease, secondary hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, low albumin (most common)
Phosphorous (phosphate)
- Hyperphosphatemia occurs in hypoparathyroidism, renal failure, secondary hyperparathyroid, excess vitamin D
- Hypophosphatemia occurs in primary hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, malabsorption
Uric acid
Hyperuricemia is from excess cell break down or excess purine metabolism (ex. gout), renal disease
Alkaline phosphate (ALP)
- Bone (highest concentration) - osteoblasts
- Liver (2nd highest)- obstruction
Liver or heart
most senstive to alcohol usage, also elevated in liver diseases
Conjugated Bilirubin
Will be elevated in blood and urine in Gallstones (cholelithiasis, liver cancer, duct obstruction)
Unconjugated Bilirubin
Will be elevated in blood only, urobilinogen will will elevated in urine in pre-hepatic and many liver conditions
decreases in malnutrition/malabsorption, liver disease, inflammatory diseases, 3rd degree burns, nephrotic syndrome
Vitamin K
need for clotting
Increases in advanced liver failure, reyes syndrome (asprin overdose in young children with virus --> brain and liver damage)
pre-natal testing (birth defects) or liver cancer (adults)
alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT)
decreased levels in emphysema, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, low serum proteins
tumor marker, particularly colorectal and breast cancer
- CK-MM (CK-3) is increased in muscle injury or disease, as well as after strenouous exercise
- CK-MB (CK-2) is increased after damaged to heart
- CK-BB (CK-1) is increased after brain injury
Used to estimate the amount of damage from an MI
Increased after MI or muscle trauma or disease
- Increased if genectic, hyperlipidemia, hypothyroid, uncontrolled diabetes, nephrotic syndrome, MI, stress, atherosclerosis, biliary cirrhosis
- Decreased if malnutrition, malabsorption, hyperthyroid, liver diesease
- Increased in hyperlipidemias, genetic, high carb diet, hypothyroid, nephrotic syndrome, diabetes, chronic renal disease, glycogen storage disease
- Decreased in malabsorption, malnutrition, abetalipoproteinemia, hyperthyroid
- Increases due to genetics, excessive exercise, moderate alcohol consumption, estrogen
- Decreases due to genetics, hepatitis, nephrotic syndrome, malnutrition
- Want higher numbers
- Increases due to genetics, nephrotic syndrome, hypothyroid, glycogen storage disease, chronic liver disease, excess alcohol consumption, multiple myeloma, cushing's
- Decreases due to genetics, malabsorption, malnutrition, hyperthyroid
- Want lower numbers
Apo A: Apo B
Want a higher ratio (more Apo A) (high Apo B is Bad - indicates high risk of heart disease)
Increased risk of Coronary artery disease
High fibrinogen, Insulin, Lp-PLA2 (PLAC - also used to evaluate stroke risk), Chlamydia pneumoniae, homocysteine, C-reactive protein
Most common lipoprotein phenotype
Type IV - very high triglycerides because of eating habits, lack of exercise, diabetes (very little genetic influence for this type)
Congestive heart failure - differentiate from respiratory conditions
tumor in chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla secretes catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine) leading to excess VMA (breakdown product) - can detect with 24 hour urine collection
D-dimer/FSP (fibrin split product)
DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation - tiny clots all over body) or DVT (deep vein thrombosis)
- Best blood test for kidney
- Increases indicate kidney problem
- Decreases indicate muscular dystrophy or decreased muscle mass
Increases in muscular dystrophy and muscle damage
- Urea is the main nonprotein nitrogen end product of protein metabolism
- Increases in kidney problems (kidneys cannot filter out)
- Note: high levels cause disorientation and convulsions
Decreases (causes edema) is caused by hepatic disease, malnutrition, malabsorption, nephrotic syndrome, CHF, eclampsia, burns
Specific gravity/osmolality urine
tests for concentrating and diluting ability of kidney, specific gravity is screening, osmolarity is confirmatory
PSA, Acid phosphatase (AcP)
tests for prostate cancer
Nitrate/nitrite test
screen for bacterial infection in urine
Total protein
- Low (more common) occurs with nephrotic syndrome, liver disease, malabsorption
- High occurs in multiple myeloma (increased globulin), dehydration
increases in multiple myeloma, chronic infections
Glomerulonephritis, SLE, servere recurrent bacterial infections, nephritis, RA, immune complex disorders all decreased levels
- Increases in graves disease, plummer disease, acute thyroiditis (hashimotos)
- Decreases in chronic thyroiditis , myxedema, cretinism
- Increases in hashimoto's (primary hypothyroidism), severe and chronic illness
- Decreases in secondary hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroid antibodies
Anti-thyroglobulin antibodies, anti-microsomal antibodies
Activation of the adrenal gland
Hypothalamus releases CRH which stimulates the Anterior pituitary to release ACTH which stimulates the adrenal cortex to release all of its hormones
What hormones does the adrenal cortex release?
Mineralcorticoids, Glucocorticoids and Androgens
Aldosterone, found in blood and urine, reabsorbs sodium, excretes potassium, regulated by the renin-angiotensin system (decreased renal blood flow --> glomeruli releases renin --> liver secretes angiotensin I --> lungs and kidney convert it to angiotensin II --> simulates aldosterone production in adrenals), stimulated by ACTH, low sodium, high potassium, diurinal higher in AM
17OHCS (in urine) and cortisol (in blood, only found in urine if there is too much in blood) stimulate the metabolism (breakdown) of carbs, lipids, and proteins - strongests effect on glucose (inhibits insulin- stressful job will cause secondary diabetes), vary diurnally, highest in morning, lowest at night, increased by stress
17 KS stimulates male sex characteristics
Dexamethasone suppression test
- distinguishes cause of hyperfunctioning adrenal gland (cushing's), ACTH is suppressed, possible reactions:
- If cushing's is due to bilateral hyperplasia then cortisol and 17-OHCS will decrease by about 1/2
- If cushing's is due to a tumor (malignant or benign) of adrenal gland than there will be no change
What test distinguishes primary and secondary low adrenal output?
ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) - if increased then indicates secondary, if decreased indicates primary, also can be increased by stress
Plasma renin activity
used in conjuction with aldosterone to diagnose primary hyperaldosteronism (decreases) from secondary (normal or increases)
Cushing's symptoms
- Rounded, moon face
- Truncal obesity
- Slender extremeties
- Buffalo hump
- Muscle wasting/weakness
- Thin, atrophic skin
- Hirsuitism
- Purple striae on abdomen
- Intolerance to heat
Cushing's lab results
Increase cortisol, does not decrease at night, also present in urine, increased blood glucose (secondary hyperglycemia), dexamethasone test determines if primary or secondary
Addison's symptoms
- Increased pigmentation (increased melanin)
- Hypotension
- Fainting spells
- Decreased cold tolerance
- Nausea/vomiting/diarrrhea
- Weakness/fatigue
- Salt cravings
- Muscle cramping (from increased potassium)
Addison's lab results
Hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, decreased cortisol, decreased aldosterone, increased PRA
Conn's disease
- Tetany
- Paresthesias
- Hypertension
- Periodic muscle weakness
- Renal dysfunction - polyuria, nocturia, albuminuria
Conn's lab results
Hypokalemia, increased aldosterone, decreased PRA, hypernatremia
ADH (anti-diuretic hormone/vasopressin)
formed by the hypothalamus, stored in and released from the posterior pituitary, release of ADH is stimulated by increase in serum osmolaltiy or a decrease in intravascular blood volume, ADH then stimulates the collecting ducts to absorb water only
What conditions will increase ADH levels?
- SIADH (syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion)
- CNS tumors/infections, ectopic ADH secretion, hypovolemia, drugs (barbs, nicotine, acetaminophen, some diuretics, narcotics)
What conditions will decrease ADH levels?
Diabetes insipidus, hypervolemia, alcohol
What will changes in ADH levels result in?
- Increased ADH will decrease serum osmolality, increase urine osmolality, and decrease sodium in blood
- Low ADH will do the opposite and will also cause polyuria and polydipsia
secreted by acinar cells of pancreas, catabolizes carbs in duodenum, increases will occur in acute pancreatitis, mumps and salivary gland inflammation
secreted by the acinar cells into the duodenum where it breaks down triglycerides into fatty acids, increases in pancreatic diseases
Cystic fibrosis (fibrocystic diease of the pancreas)
autosomal recessive, most common inherited disease in white children, affects mucous glands (increases production) of bronchioles, sweat glands and pancreas leading to obstruction --> hyponatremia, hypochloremia, dry nonproductive cough, dyspnea, tachypnea, severe atelectasis, emphysema, failure to thrive, malabsorption
Diagnosis of cystic fibrosis
Sweat test (pilocarpine nitrate stimulates sweat production, high chloride), family history, chest x-rays, stool sample (absence of trypsin, elevated fat)
stimulated by low glucose levels, stimulates glycogenolysis in liver, made in alpha cells of the pancreas
secreted in respone to high glucose levels, stimulates uptake of glucose into cells, made in beta cells of pancreas
Other hormones influencing glucose levels
ACTH, Epinephrine and thyroxine all increase blood glucose levels
Causes of hyperglycemia
Diabetes mellitus, Acute stress, Cushing's, pheochromocytoma, hyperthyroid
Causes of hypoglycemia
Insulinoma, Addison's, insulin overdose, extensive liver diease
2 hour post prandial (after eating)
safe way to screen for DM or hypoglycemia, glucose levels should normalize within 2 hours after eating, a value of >200 indicates diabetes
What are 2 pathologies that are medical emergencies?
hyperglycemia (due to diabetes), hypoglycemia (insulin shock)
Gestational diabetes
most common medical complication of pregnancy, carbohydrate intolerance, to test give 50 grams of glucose then test after 1 hour >140 indicates gestational diabetes, should confirm with a glucose tolerance test
Glucose tolerance test
used to detect DM and hypoglycemia, first obtain fasting blood glucose then give 100 grams of glucose then test after 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours (both blood and urine samples are taken at each interval)
under normal conditions glucose is not present in urine (renal threshold is 160 to 170 mg/dL - up to this value all glucsoe will be reabsorbed), note: glucose clearance declines with age
Interpretation of results of glucose tolerance test
within 1 to 2 hours levels should be normal, modest elevation at 2 hours and normal at 3 hours suggests impaired glucose metabolism, hyperthyroidism and liver disease give a sharp rise and decline to subnormal
Glycosylated hemoglobin (hemoglobin A1c)
A1c can combine with glucose depending on the amount of glucose in the blood, remains bound for the lifespan of the RBC (120 days), long term indicator of diabetes (used to moniter patient)
- Primary Type 1 = primary insulin dependent DM (Juvenile) (IDDM)
- Primary Type 2 = Non-insulin dependent DM (adult onset) (NIDDM)
- Secondary -stress, pancreatic disease and endocrine diseases (cushing's, adrenal medulla/pheochromocytoma, thyrotoxicosis, hyperaldosteronism/Conn's), bronze diabetes (hemochromotosis), genetics, chronic renal disease, liver failure, infections, steroids, oral contraceptives, phenytoin (dilantin - antisiezure meds)
Bronze diabetes
absorb too much iron, interferes with production of insulin
Contributing factors to hyperglycemia
stress, steroids, diuretics, drugs, obesity, adrenal infections, pregnancy, anesthesia
Symptoms of diabetes
polyuria, polydypsia, polyphagia, Kussmaul's breathing, sores that don't heal, especially on lower extremity, many other symptoms (see notes pg. 96) but these are the many ones
Which has lower sugar levels blood or CSF? What gets deprived in hypoglycemia?
CSF has lower levels, brain is deprived more than the rest of the body
Whipple's triad
- method for diagnosing hypoglycemia:
- 1. symptoms appear
- 2. Take blood sample
- 3. Give food --> symptoms diappear
types of hypoglycemia
- insulin OD - "brittle diabetic" - takes wrong does of insulin (doesn't bother taking blood sugar first)
- Reactive - most common in non-diabetics - blood sugar drops 2 to 4 hours after a meal (body overresponds to glucose in meal)
- Insulinoma - most common in 40 to 60 in islet cell of pancreas
- Fasting or organic (pathological - chronic alcoholic, liver disease)
- Glycogen storage disease (ex. von Gierke's)
- Persistent neonatal hypoglycemia
- Hypoadrenalism/Addison's
Symptoms of hypoglycemia
- Mild: Lethargic, irritable/anxious, GI complaints, Headache, shaky/trembling, slurred speech
- Advanced: Tachycardia, hypothermia, neurological abnormalities, convulsions, unconscious/coma, muscle spasms, shock/death
Electrolytes included on a biochem profile
sodium, potassium, chloride, carbon dioxide, anion gap (calculated)
What regulates the acid-base balance in your body?
lungs and kidney
What regulates the osmotic balance in your body?
hypothalamus, posterior pituitary kidneys
sodium - main extracellular cation
potassium - main intracellular cation
chloride - main extracellular anion
Anion Gap
- Body must have equal positive and negative charges, difference is calculated from sodium, potassium, choloride and CO2 to account for unmeasured anions (serum protein, phosphates, sulfates, ketones, lactic acid) and cations (calcium and magnesium), normal is 8 to 16 anions are unaccounted for
- Increased anions occurs in uremia, ketosis, lactic acidosis, toxic ingestion (all causes of metabolic acidosis)
- Increased cations occur in lithium intoxication, hypermagnesemia and multiple myeloma
Sodium regulation factors
aldosterone, natriuretic hormone, carbonic anhydrase, ADH, kidney reabsorption
Due to cushing's, hyperaldosteronism/conn's, diabetes inspidous
Addison's, diarrhea, vomiting, suction, hyperglycemia, CHF, Peripheral edema, SIADH
What system is most affected by electrolyte imbalance?
important in cardiac function, affected by hemolysis as well, concentration depends on aldosterone, sodium reabsorption, acid-base balance, if deficient will see a U wave on ECG
Hyperkalemia causes
Addison's, Renal failure (most common), hemolysis, acidosis
Hypokalemia causes
GI (vomiting/diarrhea), Conn's/Cushing's, licorice (mimics conn's/cushing's), alkalosis
increases and decreases with sodium except during chloride shift (CO2 increases --> bicarbonate moves out of cells --> Chloride moves into cells)
Carbon dioxide
- estimate of pH (arterial blood gases is more definitive), exists in 3 forms - dissolved in water, undissociated H2CO3 and HCO3 ion (most are in ion form), regulated by kidney, proportional to pH
- Increases with metabolic alkalosis, COPD, aldosteronism
- Decreases with metabolic acidosis, renal failure, diabetes, shock
Blood pH controls
respiration, renal titration and buffers (hemoglobin has histadine which binds H, plasma proteins bind H, RBC and plasma phosphates
Henderson-Hasselbach formula
pH = 6.1 + log (base/acid)
Metabolic acidosis
caused by MI, Diabetic ketoacidosis, renal failure, salicylate OD, methanol OD, intestinal vomiting, body will compensate by hyperventilating to remove CO2 (called Kussmaul's breathing in diabetics)
Metabolic alkalosis
Primary hyperaldosteronism, Conn's, ingestion of sodium bicarbonate, licorice OD, body compensates by decreasing breathing rate (hypoventilation)
Respiratory acidosis
Acute asthma, hypoventilation, COPD, Flail chest, Pickwickian syndrome (sleep apnea due to obestiy), body will try but fail to compensate with air hunger (desperately sucking in air) then will adjust renal titration to reabsorb more HCO3
Respiratory alkalosis
excess CO2 is lost, high altitudes, anxiety, CNS disease, body will respond by adjusting renal titration to get rid of more HCO3, if body cannot correct quickly may result in tetany
too much CO2, usually due to respiratory failure
decreases caused by DM (most common), chronic alcoholism, increased intestinal losss or decreased intake causes calcium to drift out of the bones and may lead to abnormal calcification of aorta and kidneys as well as weakness/tremors, chovstek/trousseaus
black tarry stool indicating an upper GI bleed, excess iron intake, antacids, charcoal
red stool indicates lower GI bleeding, hemorrhoids, red food coloring, beets, pyridium/rifampin
Pale, gray, chalky, yellow stool
bile duct obstruction, gall bladder or liver issue, increased dairy or barium studies
Gray stool
steatorrhea, cystic fibrosis, fat malabsorption, chocolate overdose
Green yellow stool
hemolytic jaundice, biliverdin, green veggies
pencil thin/ribbon like stool
growth, tumor, polyp, intestinal constriction
small, hard, round pellets
loose/watery stool
lactose intolerance, food poisoning, antibiotics, diet changes, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel
alternating bouts of diarrhea and costipation
irritable bowel syndrome
foul odor
imbalance of intestinal bacteria or eating too much protein
occult blood
detected by guaiac test/hemoccult test, based on perocidase activity so many false positives, vitamin C intake will give false negative
bacteria which are always pathogens (never normal)
salmonella and shigella (most common food poisoning), campylobacter, yersinia
Clostridial toxin assay
antibiotins may lead to over growth of anti-biotic resistance bacteria such as C.difficile causing watery and voluminous diarrhea
Fecal fat
many malabsorption pathologies cause steatorrhea
lactose intolerance
lack enzyme (lactase) which converts lactose to glucose and galactose, give patient 50 grams of lactose to test then run blood glucose levels, in normal person would increase, remain normal is lactose intolerant person
synovial fluid
- arthrocentesis (sample fluid):
- Inflammatory diseases will often have auto-antibodies and increased WBCs slightly
- Non-inflammatory will be clear, normal
- Purulent will give increased WBCs (very high) and decreased glucose
- Hemorrhagic will have RBCs
- Gouty arthritis will have monosodium urate crystals
- CPPD (pseudogout) will have calcium pyrophosphate crystals
Chorionic villus sampling
safer alternative to amniocentessi, gives karyotypes and genetics, can be done earlier in pregnancy
amniotic fluid (amniocentesis)
- early pregnancy: genetic and chromosomal abnormalitites, mother-fetal Rh compatibility, sex of fetus, neural tube defects (alpha-fetoprotein)
- Late pregnancy: fetal maturity, risk of respiratory distress, fetal distress/meconium presence
Fetal maturity tests
lecithin/sphingomyelin ration, phosphatidylglycerol (PG), lamellar body count - all determine if lungs are mature
should be a true bronchial secretion, no saliva, no nasal, first in morning is best in a sterile container
- Mucoid (pearly gray) - bronchitis
- Frankly purulent - infective process, acute bacterial pneumonia
- Green - virido peroxidase from WBCs
- Uniform rust with no pus - pneumococcal pneumonia
- Uniform rust without pus - CHF/mitral valve desease
- Bright streaks in a viscid sputum "red current jelly" - Klebsiella pneumonia (alcoholics)
- Episodic small hemorrhages - TB
- Episodic large hemorrhages - pulmonary infarction, cavitary TB, fungal pneumonia
- Few persistent streaks in mucoid - bronchogenic carcinoma
- Pink and frothy sputum - pulmonary edema
Main lung pathogens
Strep pneumonia (salmon color), hemophilus influenza, staph, gram negative rods (E. coli, Klebsiela), Entamoeba histolytica
lung cytology
- increased eosinophils and charcot leyden crystals - asthma
- Curschmann's spirals coiled mucous filaments - asthma, acute bronchitis, bronchopenumonia, any problem with small bronchi
Highest priority tests in lab
#1 is stroke, #2 is CSF
CSF aspiration
- Tube 1 - chemistries and immunologies (contaminated on way in, can't use for cultures)
- Tube 2 - cultures
- Tube 3 - cell counts and microscopic exams (no blood should be left from any nicks that occured on the way in
Color of CSF (abnormal)
- Xanthochromia (yellowish/pink tinge) from old hemorrhage, protein, meningeal melanoma, hypercarotenemia (vitamin A overdose)
- Bloody - traumatic tap, fresh hemorrhage
Cloudy CSF
indicates presence of WBC's and/or protein
Glucose in CSF
normal for viral meningitis, decreased in bacterial meningitis
What is the most pathological finding in CSF?
increased protein
bacterial meningitis - LD 1 and 2 indicate CNS involvement
lactic acid in CSF
increased in bacterial and fungal meningitis but not viral
glutamine in CSF
increased in heptic encephalopathy and hepatic coma/reyes syndrome
most common meningitis
- hemophilus influenza in children
- neisseria or strep in adults
CAGE test
Alcoholic questionnaire: do you ever feel you need to Cut down on your drinking? are you Annoyed by people critizing your drinking? do you ever feel Gulity about your drinking? do you ever need an Eye opener to start the day? - if answered yes to any question indicates problem with drinking
RAST test
allergy blood test for IgE in response to certain antigens (used in place of skin test)
TORCH test
test panel of infections that may be detrimental to a fetus: Toxoplasmosis, Other (syphilis), Rubella, CMV, Herpes/HIV - all can cause abortion or premature labor
Screening tests for syphilis
RPR (done today), VDRL, Wasserman
TPI (treponemal pallidum immobilization), dark field, FTA, TP-MHA, HATTS (hemagglutination)