- Entry of a patient into the health care facility
- Term?
Health care facility
- Any agency that provides health care
- Term?
What are some common reactions pts will have when they are hospitalized?
- Pts reaction: fear of the unknown, loss of identity, disorientation, separation anxiety, and loneliness
- When do they react like this?
When admitting a pt what the first few things to do when bringing them to their room?
- Introduce self and room, show how bedside equipment works, and explain hospital policies relevant to client during hospital stay, involve pt in the plan of care
- When to do all this?
Initial assessment is prepared by?
- It is prepared by RN
- What is?
- Mental confusion characterized by inadequate or incorrect perception of place, time, and identity
- Term?
Separation anxiety
- Fears and apprehension caused by separation from familiar surroundings and significant people
- Term?
- Ability to recognize and to some extent share the emotions and state of mind of another and to understand the meaning and significance of that person�s behavior
- Term?
- Patients health information
- Abbrev?
What are guidelines for communicating with patients from carious cultures during the admission, discharge and transfer procedure?
- Respect patient as an individual, avoid treating pts differently from other pts, don�t assume are angry, aggressive or hostile just cause they speak loudly or emotionally, use titles such as Mrs. Mr, never attempt to use ethnic dialects with patients, avoid trying to impress patients, be attentive of pts nonverbal communication, and if you don�t understand what a patients is saying, ask for clarification
- Guidelins for what?
Haitians-americans perceive leaves as?
- They perceive leaves as mystical and healing power
- Who does?
Japanese believe what causes illness?
- Contact with blood, skin diseases, or beside corpses causes this
- Who believes this and causes what?
Orthodox jewish avoid using what during when?
- They avoid using electronic devices during Sabbath � sundown Friday to sundown Saturday
- Who believes this?
Chinese-Americans believe what number is unlucky and is considered the word for death?
- Number 4 is believed to be this by them
- By who and believed to be what?
The ID band prepared has what information on it?
- Has pts name, age, admitting number, physicians name, and room number
- What has this?
Why is ID band necessary?
- Reasons to have it just in case : Pt becomes disorientaed, pt becomes sleepy or drowsy, prevent medication errors and identify pts as residents of the facility
- Reasons for what?
What information is taken when pt is first admitted into the hospital?
- Usually includes name, address, telephone number, age, birthdate, SS number, next of kin, insurance company and policy number, place of employment, physicians name, and reason for the admission and previous admissions, language spoken, family members or sig. other, home situation, abilities, ADL�s and occuption
- When is all of this collected?
- Intensive care unit
- Abbrev?
- Coronary care unit
- Abbrev?
What is included in the patient room orientation?
- It includes: relationship of the room to the nurses station, location of lounge areas, location of shower and bathroom facilities, how to call the nurse from the bed and bathroom, use the intercom system, adjust bed and the lights, operate the tv, phone and radio, and explanation of policies applicable to the patient
- Included in what?
The initial assessment includes?
- LOC, vital signs, height, weight, breath sounds, bowel sounds, range of motion, condition of skin, vision, and hearing
- When is all this included?
Moving a patient from one unit to another (intraagency transfer) or moving a patient from one health care facility to another (interagency transfer)
Intraagency transfter
- Moving pt from one unit to another within the same hospital
- Term?
Interagency transfter
- Moving pt from on health care facility to another
- Term?
Third party payors
- Entities (people or elements) other than the giver or receiver of service responsible for payment. Eg medicare or insurance company
- Term?
Continuity of care?
Continuing of established patient care from one setting to another
What are the goals when transfer is occurring?
- Goals: 1. pt will remain stable during transfer 2. pt will incur no injury during transport procedures
- Goals for what?
Discharge planning
- Defined as the systematic process of planning for patient care after discharge from the hospital
- Term?
Purposes for discharge planning?
- Purposes: To teach pt and fam about pt�s illness and its effect on his or her lifestyle; to provide instructions for home care; to communicate dietary or activity instructions; and to explain the purpose, adverse effects and scheduling of medication treatment, transportation; follow up care; and coordination of output or home health care services
- Purposes of what?
What instructions are required, by TJC, to be given before pt leaves?
- Instructions given: safe and effective use of meds, and med equipment; nutrition and diets modified; rehab techniques; access to available community resources as needed; when and how to get further treatment; and identify risk factors
- When given ?
What are the discharge teaching goals?
- Goals: pts should: understand their illness, complies with med therapy; carefully follow diet; manage activity level; understand treatment; recognizes need for rest; known possible complications; knows when to seek follow up care
- Goals of what?
Discharge summary
- Part of discharge plan; summary includes pts learning needs, how well they have been met, pts teaching complete, short and long term goals of care, referrals made, and coordinated care plan to be implemented after discharge
- What is?
Goals of pt discharge?
- Goals: pt or family member will be able to are for individual needs and health care resources will be available at home
- Goals for what?
- Against medical advice
- Abbrev?
- When a pt leaves a health care facility without a physicians order for discharge
- Term?
- Joint commission on accreditation of healthcare organizations
- Abbrev?
What is the last thing nurse should say to pt?
- They should wish them well
- Who should and when should this be done?