
  1. The following assist the diaphragm and intercostals when ventilation
    demand increases: scalene, sternocleidomastoid, pectoral and abdominal
    wall as known as being slightly active during quiet breathing and more
    active during forceful breathing 
  2. In the last weeks of fetal development in uteral the region beyond each
    terminal bronchiole forms this functional structure which is the basic
    gas-exchanging unit of the lung
  3. The two external flared openings
  4. Tissue that separates air from blood in the lung; consists of alveolar
    epithelium, basement membrane, and capillary endothelium, along with
    their associated structures
  5. Ducts that end in the lungs in clusters of these
  6. Slight oblique angle where the manubrium articulates with the body of the sternum
  7. Opening to the nose
  8. Uppermost portions of the lungs
  9. Bifurcation of the trachea into the right and left mainstream bronchi
  10. Extension of the mucoidal lining of the respiratory tract
  11. Fibrous tissues that connect the ribs to the sternum and to each other anteriorly
  12. Acute angle where the costal pleura meets the diaphragm
  13. Ring of cartilage that forms the lower border of the larynx
  14. Large dome-shaped muscle that separates the thorax from the abdomen: the primary muscle of ventilation
  15. Vascular channel in the fetus that joint the pulmonary artery directly to the descending aorta; it normally closes after birth
  16. 2/3 of the fetus blood flows through this to the bypass the liver’s circulation and flows into the inferior vena cava
  17. Flat cartilage that extends from the base, of the tongue backward and upward
  18. Bilateral tubes that connect the nasopharynx to the middle ear and mastoid sinus
  19. The two flared openings of the nose
  20. Abdominal muscle group that functions as as accessory muscle of ventilation
  21. The exchange between the gas of the atmosphere and blood
  22. Narrow clefts or slits; the lines that divide or separate the lobes of the lung glottis
  23. Opening in the septum between the right and the left atria in the fetal
    heart. This opening provides a bypass for blood that would otherwise
    flow to the fetal lungs. After birth, the foramen ovale functionally
  24. The body of the sternum
  25. Variable opening between the vocal cords
  26. Vertical opening(s) on either side of the mediastinum through which all the airways and pulmonary vessels pass
  27. Lower portion of the upper airway between the oropharynx and larynx
  28. Formed before birth and carry and are the primary components of the
    somatic(motor) nervous system that carry nervous signals from the
    brainstem to the respiratory muscles
  29. Abdominal muscle group that functions as an accessaroy muscle of ventilation
  30. The exchange of gases between blood and tissues
  31. The 3 parts of the pharynx is also called this
  32. Lies below the hypopharynx and is formed by a complex arrangement of
    nine cartilages and numerous muscles and it functions to protect the
    respiratory tract during eating, drinking and phonation.
  33. Major divisions of the lungs; the right lung has three lobes and the left lung has two lobes
  34. Upper triangular portion of the sternum
  35. Portion of the thoracic cavity lying in the middle of the thorax(between
    the two pleural cavities.) It extends from the vertebral column to the
    sternum and contains the trachea, esophagus, heart and great vessels of
    the circulatory system
  36. The stoking action of millions of cilia propels the surround mucus at a speed of about 2 cm per minute
  37. Upper portion of the airway behind the nasal and oral cavities
  38. Boney plate that separates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity
  39. Thin membrane covering the surface of the chest wall, mediastinum, and
    diaphragm that is continuous with the visceral pleura around the lung
  40. The region where the nasal and oral cavities open into
  41. Paired nerves that originate as branches of spinal nerves C3-5, pass
    down along the mediastinum, and innervate the diaphragm: carry nervous
    signals from the brainstem to the respiratory muscles
  42. Openings between the adjacent alveoli
  43. A single terminal bronchiole that supplies a cluster of respiratory bronchioles. Also referred to as the acinus
  44. Of or pertaining to the epithelial cell type that appears to be
    organized in layers, but in which each cell actually contacts the
    basement membrane
  45. Detergent-like substance secreted into the alveoli that reduces surface tension and stabilizes alveoli
  46. A group of abdominal muscles that contributing to inspiration by contracting at end-exhalation.
  47. Referring to the three muscles arising from the cervical vertebrae,
    inserting into the first and second ribs, accessory muscles of
  48. Minor divisions of the lung; each segment is associated with a major branch of the airway
  49. Posterior portion of the anterior roof of the oral cavity
  50. The fused connection between the manubrium and the body
  51. Originate from the manubrium and clavicle and insert on the mastoid process of the temporal bone
  52. Elongated flattened bone forming the middle portion of the anterior thorax
  53. Located above the sternum , this is the superior edge of the manubrium
    which forms a shallow depression called a notch. Also known as jugular
  54. Large main intrathoracic airway
  55. Pairs that are 1-7 and are attached directly to the sternum
  56. Pairs that are 8-12 and are either indirectly attached to the sternum or not attached to the sternum
  57. Pairs that are 11 and 12 and are not attached to the sternum
  58. Boney structures that extend from the lateral walls of the interior nasal passages
  59. Cuboidal epithelia that line the blind tubules of the acinum continue to
    differentiate into flatter squamous epithelial cells called this.
  60. Cuboidal epithelia that line the blind tubules of the acinum continue to
    differentiate into rounded secretory cells called this.
  61. This is the portion of the soft palate that hangs down into the posterior portion of the oral cavity.
  62. These folds forma space between the tongue and the epiglottis which is a key landmark in or intubation
  63. Thin membrane covered by mesothelial cells that covers the entire surface of the lung, dipping into the lobar fissures
  64. Of or pertaining to the lower part of the sternum
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justin soria