MA 201 Screening

  1. Mensuration
    To measure
  2. Initial Measurements / Vital Signs
    Become baseline for new patients
  3. 4 Vital Signs
    • Temperature
    • Pulse
    • Respiration
    • Blood Pressure
    • (TPR & BP)
  4. Temperature
    • Condition's that affect include
    • Metabolism, time of day, amount of activity
  5. Above Normal Temperature
  6. No High Temperature
  7. Normal Temperature
  8. Below Normal Temperature
    • Subnormal
    • Hypothermia
    • Collapse will occur at 96.0deg
    • Death at 93.0deg
  9. Axillary Temperature
    • -1deg from normal Oral
    • 97.6
  10. Rectal Temperature
    • +1deg from normal Oral
    • 99.6
  11. Fever Temp Ranges
    • Slight --------99.6-101.0
    • Moderate ---101.0-102.0
    • Severe ------102.0-104.0
    • Dangerous -104.0-105.0
    • Fatal over ---106.0
  12. 5 Types Thermometers
    • 1. Disposable (avoids cross contam)
    • 2. Digital (quick and easy)
    • 3. Electronic (quick and easy)
    • 4. Tympanic (no mucous concerns) BEST
    • 5. Temporal (no mucous)
  13. When Temp from Other Than Oral
    • 98.6
    • (R) for Rectal
    • (Ax) for Axillary
    • (TA) for Temporal Artery
    • (T or TC) for Tympanic / Tympanic Core
  14. Formula Conversion
    C = F-32 / 1.8

    F = (C * 1.8) + 32
  15. Known Temps
    • Freezing ----------32F ----0C
    • Body Temp -------98.6F --37C
    • Pasteurization --145F ---63C
    • Boiling ------------212F ---100C
    • Sterilization ------250F ---121C
  16. Tachycardia
    • Constant pulse rate over 100
    • Means Fast / High
  17. Bradycardia
    • Constant pulse rate below 60
    • Means Low / Slow
  18. Apex
    Left 5th intercostal space in line with middle of left clavical
  19. Counting Respiration
    Improtant patient unaware of counting / measuring (can scew reading)
  20. 3 Types Respiration
    • Normal
    • Shallow
    • Deep
  21. 2 Types Rhythm
    • Regular
    • Irregular
  22. Apnea
    Lack of breathing
  23. Adult Normal Resp Rate
    16-20 per minute
  24. Maintain Blood Pressure
    • The heart (pump)
    • The Brain (controls autonomic nervous system)
  25. Blood Pressure Phases
    • Contraction - Systole (max pressure)
    • Relax / Fill - Diastole (least pressure)
  26. Blood Pressure Classifications
    • Normal ---------------------<120 / <80
    • Prehypertension ----------120-139 / 80-89
    • Stage 1 Hypertension ---140-159 / 90-99
    • Stage 2 Hypertension ------->160 / >100
  27. Hypotension
    Blood pressure below 90/60
  28. Phrenic Nerve
    Controlls Diaphram
  29. Inhalation
    Flatens Diaphram
  30. Exhalation
    Domes Diaphram
  31. Sphygmomanometer
    Blood Pressure Cuff, gauge
  32. Types Sphygmomanometer
    • 1. Aneroid (dial)
    • 2. Digital
    • 3. Mercury
    • 4. Wall Mount
Card Set
MA 201 Screening
Chapter 13 Unit 3