
  1. acetabulum
    cup-shaped depression in the hip bone into which the top of the femur fits.
  2. acromion
    part of the scapula that connects to the clavicle
  3. amphiarthrosis
    cartilaginous joint having some movement at the union of two bones
  4. ankle
    hinged area between the lower leg bones and the bones of the foot
  5. articular cartilage
    cartilage at a joint
  6. articulation
    point at which two bones join together to allow movement
  7. atlas
    first cervical vertebrae
  8. axis
    second cervical vertebrae
  9. bone
    hard connective tissue that forms the skeleton of the body
  10. bone head
    upper, rounded end of a bone
  11. bone phagocyte
    bone cell that ingests dead bone and bone debris
  12. bursa
    sac lined with a synovial membrane that fills the spaces between tendons and joints
  13. calcaneus
    heel bone
  14. calcium
    mineral important in the formation of bone
  15. cancellous bone
    spongy bone with a latticelike structure
  16. cariac muscle
    striated involuntary muscle of the heart
  17. carpus, carpal bone
    wrist; wrist bone
  18. cartilage
    flexible connective tissue found in joints, fetal skeleton, and the lining of various parts of the body
  19. cartilaginous disk
    thick, circular mass of cartilage between the vertebrae of the spinal column
  20. cervical vertebrae
    seven vertebrae of the spinal column located in the neck
  21. clavicle
    curved bone of the shoulder that joins to the scapula; collar bone
  22. coccyx
    small bone consisting of four fused vertebrae at the end of the spinal column; tailbone
  23. compact bone
    hard bone with a tightly woven structure
  24. condyle
    rounded surface at the end of a bone
  25. crest
    bony ridge
  26. diaphysis
    long middle section of a long bone; shaft
  27. diarthroses
    freely movable joints
  28. disk
    same as cartilaginous disk
  29. dorsal verterbrae
    thoracic vertebrae
  30. elbow
    joint between the upper arm and the forearm
  31. endosteum
    lining of the medullary cavity
  32. epiphyseal plate
    cartilaginous tissue that is replaced during growths years, but eventually calcifies and disappears when growth stops
  33. ethmoid bone
    irregular bone of the face attached to the sphenoid bone
  34. ethmoid sinuses
    sinuses on both sides of the nasal cavities between each eye and the sphenoid sinus
  35. fascia
    sheet of fibrous tissue that encloses muscles
  36. femur
    long bone of the thigh
  37. fibula
    smallest long bone of the lower leg
  38. fissure
    deep furrow or slit
  39. flat bones
    thin, flattened bones that cover certain areas, as of the skull
  40. fontanelle
    soft, membranous section on top of an infants skull
  41. foramen
    opening or perforation through a bone
  42. foramen magnum
    opening in the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes
  43. fossa
    depression, as in a bone
  44. frontal bone
    large bone of the skull that forms the top of the head and forehead
  45. frontal sinuses
    sinuses above the eyes
  46. heel
    back, rounded portion of the foot
  47. humerus
    long bone of the arm connecting to the scapula on top and the radius and ulna at the bottom
  48. ilium
    wide portion of the hip bone
  49. insertion
    point at which a muscle attaches to a movable bone
  50. intervertebral disk
    same as cartilaginous disk
  51. involuntary muscle
    muscle not movable at will
  52. irregular bones
    any of a group of bones with a special shape to fit into certain areas of the skeleton, such as the skull
  53. ischium
    one of three fused bones that form the pelvic girdle
  54. joint
    place of joining between two or more bones
  55. lacrimal bone
    thin, flat part of either side of the arch of a vertabra
  56. lamina
    thin, flat part of either side of the arch of a vertebra
  57. ligament
    sheet of fibrous tissue connecting and supporting bones; attaches bone to bone
  58. long bone
    any bone of the extremities with a shaft
  59. lumbar vertebrae
    five vertebrae of the lower back
  60. malleolus
    rounded protusion of the tibia or fibula on either side of the ankle
  61. mandible
    u-shaped bone of the lower jaw
  62. mandibular bone
  63. marrow
    connective tissue filling the medullary cavity, often rich in nutrients
  64. mastoid process
    protrusion of the temporal bone that sits behind the ear
  65. maxillary bone
    bone of the upper jaw
  66. maxillary sinus
    sinus on either side of the nasal cavity below the eyes
  67. medullary cavity
    soft center cavity in bone that often holds marrow
  68. metacarpal
    one of the five bones of the hand between the wrist and the fingers
  69. metaphysis
    section of a long bone between the epiphysis and diaphysis
  70. metatarsal bones
    bones of the foot between the instep (arch) and the toes
  71. muscle
    contractile tissue that plays a major role in body movement
  72. musculoskeletal system
    system of the body including the muscle and skeleton
  73. nasal bones
    bones that form the bridge of the nose
  74. nasal cavity
    cavity on either side of the nasal septum
  75. neural canal
    space through which the spinal cord passes
  76. nucleus pulposus
    fibrous mass in the center portion of the intervertebral disk
  77. occipital bone
    bone that forms the lower back portion of the skull
  78. olecranon
    curved end of the ulna to which tendons of the arm muscles attach; bony prominence of the elbow
  79. origin
    point of which muscle attaches to stationary bone
  80. osseous tissue
    connective tissue into which calcium salts are deposited
  81. ossification
    hardening into bone
  82. osteoblast
    cell that forms bone
  83. osteoclast
    large cell that reabsorbs and removes osseous tissue
  84. osteocyte
    bone cell
  85. palatine bone
    bone helps that form the hard palate and nasal cavity; located behind the maxillary bones
  86. parietal bone
    flat, curved bone on either side of the upper part of the skull
  87. patella
    large, sesamoid bone that forms the kneecap
  88. pelvic cavity
    cup shaped cavity formed by the large bones of the pelvic girdle; contains female reproductive organs, sigmoid colon, bladder, and rectum
  89. pelvic girdle
    hip bones
  90. pelvis
    cup shaped ring of bone and ligaments of the base of the trunk
  91. periosteum
    fibrous membrane covering the surface of the bone
  92. phalanges
    long bones of the fingers and toes
  93. phosphorus
    mineral important to the formation of bone
  94. process
    bony outgrowth or projection
  95. pubes
    anteroinferior portion of the hip bone
  96. pubic symphysis
    joint between the two pubic bones
  97. radius
    shorter bone of the forearm
  98. rib
    one of the 24 bones that form the chest wall
  99. sacrum
    next to the last spinal vertebra made up of five fused bones; vertebra that forms part of the pelvis
  100. scapula
    large flat bone that forms the shoulder blade
  101. sella turcica
    bony depression in the sphenoid bone where the pituitary gland is located
  102. sesamoid bone
    bone formed in a tendon over a joint
  103. shin
    anterior ridge of the tibia
  104. short bones
    square shaped bones with approximately equal dimensions on all sides
  105. sinus
    hollow cavity, especially either of two cavities on the sides of the nose
  106. skeleton
    bony framework of the body
  107. smooth muscle
    fibrous muscle of internal organs that acts invoulantarily
  108. sphenoid bone
    bone that forms the base of the skull
  109. sphenoid sinus
    sinus above and behind the nose
  110. spinal column
    column of vertebrae at the posterior of the body, from the neck to the coccyx
  111. spinous process
    protrusion from the center of the vertebral arch
  112. spongy bone
    bone with an open latticework filled with connective tissue or marrow
  113. sternum
    long, flat bone that forms the midline of the anterior of the thorax
  114. striated muscle
    muscle with a ribbed appearance that is controlled at will
  115. styloid process
    peg-shaped protrusion from a bone
  116. sulcus
    groove or furrow in a surface of a bone
  117. suture
    joining of two bone parts with a fibrous membrane
  118. symphysis
    type of cartilaginous joint uniting two bones
  119. synarthrosis
    fibrous joint with no movement
  120. synovial fluid
    fluid that serves to lubricate joints
  121. synovial joint
    a joint that moves
  122. synovial membrane
    connective tissue lining the cavity of joints and producing the synovial fluid
  123. tarsus, tarsal bones
    seven bones of the instep (arch of the foot)
  124. temporal bone
    large bone forming the base and sides of the skull
  125. temporomandibular joint
    joint of the lower jaw between the temporal bone and the mandible
  126. tendon
    fibrous band that connects muscle to bone or other structures
  127. thoracic vertebrae
    12 vertebrae of the chest are
  128. thorax
    part of the trunk between the trunk and the abdomen; chest
  129. tibia
    larger of the two lower leg bones
  130. transverse process
    protrusion on either side of the vertebral arch
  131. trochanter
    bony protrusion on the upper end of the femur
  132. true ribs
    7 upper ribs of the chest that attach to the sternum
  133. tubercle
    slight bony elevation to which a ligament or muscle may be attached
  134. tuberosity
    large elevation in the surface of a bone
  135. ulna
    larger bone of the forearm
  136. vertebra
    one of the bony segments of the spinal column
  137. verterbral body
    main portion of the vertebra, seperate from the arches of the vertebra
  138. vertebral column
    spinal column
  139. visceral muscle
    smooth muscle
  140. vitamin d
    vitamin important to the formation of bone
  141. voluntary muscle
    striated muscle
  142. vomer
    flat bone forming the nasal septum
  143. zygomatic bone
    bone that forms the cheek
Card Set
unit 5 -7