Injection Theraphy

  1. what are the four injection sites for intramuscular
    • - Dorsogluteal (gluteus medius muscle)
    • - Ventrogluteal
    • - Vastus Lateralis
    • - Mid- Deltoid
  2. what is the position for giving a injection in the dorsogluteal site
    prone w/ toes pointed inward
  3. what is the position for giving a injection in the ventrogluteal site
    • - side-lying
    • - supine
  4. what is the position for giving a injection in the vastus lateralis site
    • - prone
    • - supine
    • - side-lying
    • - sitting
  5. what is the position for giving a injection in the mid-deltoid site
    • - sitting
    • - lying down
    • - arm supported at side of body
  6. what is the the needle angle for dorsogluteal site
    90 degrees to surface
  7. what is the the needle angle for ventrogluteal site
    • - side-lying - 90 degrees to muscle
    • - supine - 60 degrees toward crest
  8. what is the the needle angle for vastus lateralis site
    - 90 degrees to muscle
  9. what is the the needle angle for mid-deltoid site
    - 90 degrees to surface
  10. What is the anatomical landmarks for dorsogluteal site
    • - greater trochanter
    • - posterior superior iliac spine
  11. What is the anatomical landmarks for ventrogluteal site
    • - greater trochanter
    • - anterior superior iliac spine
    • - iliac crest
  12. What is the anatomical landmarks for vastus lateralis site
    • - greater trochanter
    • - lateral portion of patella
  13. What is the anatomical landmarks for mid- deltoid site
    • - acromion process
    • - line at floor of axilla
  14. What is the most frequently used syringe?
    The 3- ml syringe
  15. What is the most accurate syringe?
    the tuberculin
  16. What are the different types of syringes?
    • - 2.5- 3 mL
    • - 5 mL
    • - Tuberculin
    • - Insulin
  17. How is the insulin syringe calibrated?
    100 units per mL
  18. what are the injection sites for subcutaneous
    • - anterior surface of thigh
    • - lateral surface of upper arm
    • - back between scapula and waist
    • - abdomen between iliac crest and rib cage
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Injection Theraphy
Injection Theraphy