Cullisons Kinetic Theory Study Guide

  1. What are the assumptions of the Kinetic Theory?
    • All collisions are elastic (no kinetic energy is lost)...
    • Kinetic energy of the gas is proprtional to the temperature of the sample...
    • Molecules are in constant random motion...
    • Molecules are small and the volume of molecules not accounted for.
  2. What is the Ideal Gas Equation?
  3. PV=nRT is the equation known as
    Ideal Gas Law
  4. What is Boyle's Law?
    Pressure is inversely proportional to volume at constant temperature.

  5. What is Charles' Law?
    Volume is directly proportional to temperature at constant pressure

    Image Upload 2
  6. Image Upload 4 is...
    Charles' Law
  7. P1V1 = P2V2 is...
    Boyles Law
  8. What is partial pressure?
    Dalton's law, the partial pressure of a component gas is equal to the pressure it would exert if it alone occupied the total volume. The parts are equal to the whole.

    PTotal = P1 + P2 + P3...
  9. PTotal = P1 + P2 + P3... is...
    Dalton's Law
  10. When does a real gas have ideal behaviour?
    At high temperatures and low pressure.
  11. How do real gases deviate from ideal behaviour?
    The molecules have small but finite volumes and considerable intermolecular forces.
  12. 1 atm is equal to how much mmHg?
    760 mmHg
  13. 1 atm is equal to how ma
    101.3 kPa
  14. What is the law of effusion?
    Image Upload 6
  15. Image Upload 8 is...
    Graham's law
  16. Image Upload 10 is...
    Grahamn's law
  17. What is Graham's Law of Diffusion
    Image Upload 12
  18. What is the Combined Gas Law?
    Image Upload 14
  19. What is Gay- Lussac's law?
    Temperature and Volume are directly proprtional when pressure is constant

    Image Upload 16
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Cullisons Kinetic Theory Study Guide
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