T44 Before start checklist/call outs

  1. 1. Seat belts -
    Fastened (P, OBS, CP)
  2. 2. Parking Brake -
    Set (P)
  3. Circuit Breakers -
    Set (P, CP)
  4. Electrical Panel -
    Set (P, CP)
  5. Emergency Static Air -
    Normal (RS)
  6. Audio Control Panel -
    Set (PF, OBS, PM)
  7. Radar -
    Off (RS)
  8. GEAR -
    Down (PF)
  9. Flaps -
    Correspond (PF, PM)
  10. Condition Levers -
    Fuel Cutoff (PF)
  11. PROPS -
    Full Forward (PF)
  12. Power Levers -
    Idle (PF)
  13. Lights -
    As Required "Beacon On" (LS)
  14. Anti-ice/deice-
    Off (LS)
  15. Fuel Panel -
    • - fuel panel CBs set
    • - firewall valve switch guards -wired
    • - crossfeed - checked (open, then closed: look for light on annunciator panel)
    • - Boost Pumps ON
    • - Battery - ON (check L/R fuel px lights off)
  16. Fuel Quantity -
    • Checked (LS)
    • - Total should be w/in 100lbs
    • - Nacelle should be w/in 50lbs
    • - none in the yellow arcs
  17. Annunciator Panel -
    • Checked (PF)
    • - hold test button
    • - press fault warn button
    • - rotate dim as reqd
  18. Fire Detectors -
    Checked (PF, PM)
  19. Overhead Lights -
    • Set (PF, PM)
    • - map light full bright
    • - all other lights off (unless night)
    • - Master CKPT Lights switch OFF
  20. Oxygen -
    • OPEN (PF)
    • - ensure green in regulators
  21. Cabin Door -
    Locked (PF, OBS)
  22. Cabin Sign -
    As Required "OFF" (LS)
Card Set
T44 Before start checklist/call outs
T44 Before start checklist/call outs