Biology Ch 1

  1. How are Science and Technology different from each other?
    Science: used to "Understand Nature"

    Technology: used to "Apply Knowledge"
  2. How do Science and Technology "depend" on each other?
    • Science is used to make DISCOVERIES
    • Technology is used to make INVENTIONS

    *More discoveries equal greater inventions, we discover stuff through inventions
  3. What drives science?
  4. What drives Technology?
    Wants and Needs
  5. Inductive Reasoning
    • Form of Discovery Science
    • "Specific to General" (Specific observations to general conclusions)
    • Ex. an individual with black and white strips is a zebra---All zebras have black and white stripes
  6. Deductive Reasoning
    • Form of Hypothesis Science
    • "General to Specific"
    • Hypothesis --> Experiment
  7. Limitations of Science
    • "Anything that cannot be tested, proved, disproved"
    • A.God
    • B. Proving supernatural
    • C. Faith or Belief
  8. Biology (meaning)
    "The study of life"
  9. Cell (meaning and description)
    • "Fundamental unit of life"
    • 1. Enclosed in membraine with passage
    • 2. DNA- genetic information
    • 3. Two types:
    • -Prokaryotic- simple (very diverse, bacteria)
    • -Eukaryotic- complex (plants, people, mushrooms)
  10. Hypothesis Science Format/Steps
    • 1. Observation (usually from discovery science) leads to wanting an explanation
    • 2. Hypothesis (Proposed explanation) must be testable and falsifiable.
    • 3. Experiment/Test:
    • Control group- no change; used to compare
    • Experimental group- change of simple variable
    • Conclusion- test falsifies or does not falsify hypothesis
  11. Hypothesis must meet 2 conditions:
    Testable and Falsifiable
  12. Theory (explanation)
    • Broad in scope
    • -explains several observations
    • -supported by large amounts of evidence
    • -generates new hypothesis
  13. 2 general groups of Microscopes
    • 1. Light
    • 2. Electron
  14. Discovery Science
    • "Describes" nature
    • Uses Inductive Reasoning
    • based on Observations and measurements
  15. Hypothesis Science
    • "Explains" Nature
    • Uses Deductive Reasoning
  16. Homeostasis (explanation)
    • Regulation of internal environment (PH and temp)
    • Ex. "Sweating in human beings)
Card Set
Biology Ch 1
Biology Chapter 1 (Introduuction)