Adv. Med Final

  1. What is the common name for the gingival?
  2. What is a normal sulcus depth for dogs? Cats?
    • 1-3mm in dogs
    • 1mm in cats
  3. The modified Triadan System numbers the teeth, each quadrant is a different series (100, 200, 300, & 400): Which is which?
    • 100 is Maxillary R
    • 200 is Maxillary L
    • 300 is Man L
    • 400 is Man R
  4. What instrument measures the sulcus depth?
    Periodontal/ Sulsuc Probe
  5. Scaler:
    Supragingival, surface of the teeth, sharper
  6. Curette:
    Subgingival, rounded-not sharp, clean under gum line
  7. Why do we use a cuffed endo tube?
    • To protect from aspiration
    • Secure airway and better maintanance of O2 and anesthesia
    • The techs safty, they are right there where the iso would leak the most
  8. Why do we start antibiotics a couple days before a dental?
    To lower the bacteria in the mouth to help prevent infection
  9. What symbol denotes a missing tooth?
  10. What symbol denotes an exaction of a tooth?
  11. How many teeth do cats have?
  12. How many teeth does a dog have?
  13. Is polishing a necessity?
    It smooths the surface that we just scored up. Help to protect the tooth.
  14. What are the baby teeth called
  15. Why only polish teeth for less than 15 seconds?
    To prevent thermal burns
  16. What is the the most most common antibiotic given during a dental? How is it given? Where does it go? Why?
    • Pen G
    • SQ
    • Rear Left
    • Rabies is in the right
  17. Cheek teeth: proper name and which teeth?
    • Buccal
    • Premolar and molar
  18. What the difference between hypsodont and brachydont teeth?
    Hypsodont teeth continue to erupt, brachyodont do not
  19. What is the dental formula for cats?
    2(I 3/3, C1/1, P3/2, M1/1)
  20. What is the dental formula for dogs?
    2(I3/3, C1/1, P4/4, M2/3)
  21. What is the primary function of the canine teeth?
    Grasp and tear
  22. How many sizes of ET tubes do you get ready?
  23. Under shot:
    mandibul sticks out further then maxilary
  24. Over shot:
    Maxila goes out further than mandibul
  25. Scissor bite:
    Normal meeting of teeth
  26. Wire bite:
    Left and right sides are disperportioned
  27. What hand instrument is used subgingivaly?
  28. What hand instrument is used supragingivaly?
  29. What is FOLR?
    Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive lesion
  30. Attrition:
    Tooth on tooth
  31. Abrasion:
    Tooth of foreign object
  32. How often should we check an indwelling catheter?
    Every hour
  33. What are some signs of dental disease?
    Red inflammed gums, teeth discoloration, calculus build up, bleeding, lose teeth, fractures
  34. Where can you check for a pulse?
    Femeral, petal, jugular, chest
  35. What is the name of the large tripple rooted teeth?
  36. What are some reasons we use catheters?
    Fluid therapy, anesthesia, ER drugs, easy access
  37. What are ways we check and maintaine catheters?
    • Periodicaly flush with heprin, to prevent clotting
    • Goopy square
    • Checking every hour
    • Change in less than 72 hours
  38. What are some things you will need to place a catheter?
    Catheter, tape, hub, flush, goopy square, restrainer, scrub, alcohol
  39. How do we dental instruments?
    Modified pen grip
  40. ET tubes are sized to fit between what 2 'land marks'?
    Thorasic inlet and pharnyx
  41. When do you deflat the cuff on the ET tube?
    when reflexes start to return
  42. When do you remove the ET tube?
    when you get 2 consecutive swollows
  43. What are the 4 physical stages of wound healing?
    Inflammatory, Debridement, Repair, & Maturation
  44. What are 2 external factors that may affest wound healing?
    Medication or radiation therapy
  45. How soon following an initial injury should repair be done to begin first intention healing and why does it have to be done within this time frame?
    6-8 hours- treat before bacteria starts to multipy
  46. What are 3 reason we bandage wounds?
    promote healing, minimize swelling, keep wound warm
  47. How many layers of bandage do we do and describe each one
    • 3 layers
    • Primary- in contact with skin
    • Secondary- padding and comfort
    • Tertiary- holding and protecting
  48. When casting limbs, how far to we cast?
    At least past the joint above and below
  49. How often should the crash box be checked?
    After every shift
  50. What is LEAN?
    • Lidocane
    • Epinephrine
    • Atropine
    • Naloxome
  51. A condition when blood gets trapped betwen the lungs and body wall causeing collapse?
  52. A condition when fluid gets trapped betwen the lungs and body wall causeing collapse?
  53. How long after cardiac arrest should CPRP be started?
    Within 2 minutes
  54. The ABCDE of life support
    • Airway
    • Breathing
    • Cardiac
    • Drugs
    • EKG
  55. Using an ambu bag will provide __% oxygen
  56. Using mouth to nose resesitation will provide __% oxygen
  57. What is the ideal position to tube an animal in arrest?
    Lateral Recumbency
  58. When other effort to treat the respritory arrest have work you can try acupunture, where to do attempt this?
    Vessel 26 of Jen Chung
  59. After arrest how often and for how long should urine output be monitored?
    Every hour for 24 hours
  60. What is the name of a diuretic that is commonly used to treat pulmonary edema, cerebral edema, and acute kidney failure?
  61. What crystal do you expect to see with ethylene glycol toxicity?
    Calcium Oxolate Monohydrate
  62. How long befor rat poisioning interfers with the cotting factors?
    12-24 hours
  63. What toxicity is associated with over-the-counter flea meds? How long does it take for signs to show?
    • Permethrin
    • 1-2 hours
  64. What is the most common treatment of rat poisoning?
    Vitamin K
  65. What is CPRP?
    Cardiopulmonary cerebrovascular recesitation
  66. What are the 4 types of emergencies?
    • Emergency
    • non-emergency
    • Owner emergency
    • Can handle at home
  67. When administering drugs during CPRP what is the best place to administer?
  68. When administering drugs during CPRP what is the second best place to administer?
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Adv. Med Final
Advanced Medical Techniques: Final Exam