MA 201 Body Structure

  1. 3 Sections of Ear
    • 1. Outer Ear
    • 2. Middle Ear
    • 3. Inner Ear
  2. Outer Ear
    • 1. Auricle (pinna)
    • 2. External auditory cannal
    • 3. Tympanic membrane
  3. Middle Ear
    • Ossicles (smallest bones in body)
    • 1. Malleus (hammer)
    • 2. Incus (anvil)
    • 3. Stapes (stirrup)
  4. Eustachian Tube
    • Connects Middle Ear to Throat (Pharynx)
    • Helps equalize pressure in ear
  5. Inner Ear
    • Cochlea - snail shell shape
    • Sound travels through to nerve for brain to interpret
    • Semicircular canals (tubes in 3 planes to give balance)
    • Tiny stones rub against nerve endings
  6. Tympanic Membrane
    Separates outer ear from inner ear
  7. Otic
    Pretaining to Ear
  8. Otoscope
    Used to inspect outer ear
  9. Ear Disease / Dissorder
    • Otitis External - outer ear infection
    • Otitis Media - middle ear infection
  10. 3 Semicercular Canals
    • 1. Superior Semicircular Canal
    • 2. Posterior Semicircular Canal
    • 3. Lateral Semicircular Canal
  11. Irrigate Ear
    • 1. Solution between 100-105deg
    • 2. View affected ear with otoscope
    • 3. Hand against head, grasp auricle (top of ear)
    • 4. Pull up and back (adults), down and back (child)
    • 5. Turn head and back with basin under ear
    • 6. Aim flow up and to side (not straight into ear drum)
    • 7. Tilt head to side to drain
    • 8. Inspect / repeat if necessary
  12. Instill Ear Medication
    • 1. Warm meds - usually kept in fridge
    • 2. Dropper may not touch ear
    • 3. Ointment should apply to cotton tip
    • 4. Starighten ear (as washing) and apply meds
    • 5. Remain in tilt position to allow meds to settle
Card Set
MA 201 Body Structure
Chapter 14 Unit 1