Brain Parts
- - Cerebrum
- - Diencephalon
- - cerebellum
- - brainstem
- Largest Part of Brain
- HIGHER brain centers
- Frontal (motor, emotions, Broca)
- Parietal ( sensory)
- Temporal (auditory, reception of speech)
- Occipital (vision)
Thalamus -> Relay
Hypothalamus -> Homeostasis (temp, hunger, sleep, thirst, ANS)
Pineal gland (sexual development)
Pituitary (endocrine)
Basal Ganglia (automatic associated movements, primitive motor areas)
- * midbrain (relay)
- *pons (relay & breathing)
- * medulla (breathing, vomiting, cardiac, & GI)
- * Cranial nerves-> originate
* Balance
* Proprioception
Health History (present& past problems)
- 1) Headaches
- - + Symptom Analysis
- 2) Dizziness & Vertigo
- - Fits several systems
- 3) Seizures
- - Aura
- - Fall
- - Motor activity
- - loss of consciousness
- - previous history
- - meds
5) LOC
- 6) Altered mobility
- - Specifically gait
- terms
- -plegia
- * hemiplegia
- * paraplegia
- * quadriplegia
- 7) Chronic Diseases (ROS)
- * MS, Mysasthenia, CVA, Parkinson's, ALS, demetia (functional assesment--- CRITICAL), (alcohol, mood-altering drugs)
- 8) Past medical history
- - head injury, spinal cord injury
- - meningitis, encephalitis
- - Aneurysm
- - cancer, benign tumor
- - surgery