Chapter Five

  1. Types of Membranes
    • * Two or more tissues grouped together firm an organ
    • * A membran is made fo two types of tissues:
    • * Epithelial and connective
    • * A membrane is the therefore an organ
    • * Four major types are
    • o Serous membrane
    • o Mucous membrane
    • o Synovial membrane
    • o Cutaneous membrane
  2. �Serous Membrane

    • * Lines body cavity that lacks an opening to the outside
    • * Made of simple squamous and loose connective tissue
    • * Forms the parietal and visceral membrane
    • o Parietal pleura (outer) and visceral pleura (inner) found in the thorax
    • o Parietal peritoneum and visceral peritoneum (abdomen)
    • [Covers the outside of organs]
  3. Mucous Membrane
    • * Lines cavities and tubes that open to the outside of the body
    • * Oral cavity, nasal cavity, tubes of the digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems
    • * Made of epithelium and loose connective tissue
    • * Have goblet cells to secrete mucus
  4. Synovial membrane

    • * Made of connective tissues
    • * Lines joints
  5. Cutaneous Membrane I

    • * Known as skin
    • * Biggest organ in the body
    • * Maintain homeostasis
    • * Provide protective covering
    • * Protect against ultraviolet radiation
  6. Cutaneous Membrane II
    • * Regulate body temperature [homeostasis]
    • * Prevent water loss
    • * Houses sensory receptors
    • * Synthesizes vitamin D
    • * Excrete small quantities of waste
  7. Integumentary system I
    • * Skin
    • * Skin assesory
    • o Sweat glands
    • o Oil glands
    • o Hairs
    • o Nails
  8. Integumentary System II
    • * skin consist of two major layers
    • o Epidermis
    • * Stratified squamous epithelial
    • o Dermis
    • * Connective tissue (collegen and elastic)
    • * Epithelial, smooth muscle tissue, nervous tissue, and blood connective tissue
    • * Below the dermis there is a subcutaneous layer (hypodermis) made of adipose tissue
  9. Epidermis

    • * Made of stratified squamous epithelium
    • * Lacks blood vessels
    • * Many layers of cells: upper layers are DEAD cells
    • * Cells are constantly dividing
    • * Keratin protein is secreted and fills up the cells
    • * Made of four layers in most of the body
  10. Cell types in the Epidermis
    • * Melanocytes produce melanin
    • * Melanin gives skin color
    • * Melanin protects against ultraviolet radiation
  11. Skin color
    • * Melanin from melanocytes
    • * Hemoglobin (blood pigment) depends on oxygen
    • * Beta-carotene from a diet high in vegetables
  12. Dermis
    • * Heavy vascularization that supply the epidermis
    • * Location of touch receptors
    • * Contains hair folical, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands
    • [thick in size]{arrector pili muscel�hair stand on the body}
  13. Nails

    • * Two major layers: nail bed and nail plate
    • * Nail bed
    • o Made of specialized epithelieal cells
    • o Contains the lanula which is the active growing region
    • o Newly formed cells become keratinized
    • * Nail plate
    • o They give rise to keratinized scales
  14. Hair Follicle
    • * Hair is present all over the body except palms, soles, lips, and nipples
    • * Hair is composed of dead epidermis keratinized cells
Card Set
Chapter Five
Bio 100